Sugar Factory - Decentralized finance brings many benefits compared to traditional financial services - ICO Project



Saturday, June 12, 2021

Sugar Factory - Decentralized finance brings many benefits compared to traditional financial services


Can the entertainment industry & blockchain technology come together to create a brighter future for independent artists?

Is Blockchain the field for the Crypto Boom Potential Music?

When, where and how Blockchain
ultimately giving more power to individual artists?

Decentralized finance brings many benefits compared to traditional financial services. These include instant transaction settlement, the ability to pledge digital assets, no credit checks, and potential
standardization in the future. Through the use of smart contracts and distributed systems, implementing financial applications or products is less complex and more secure.

Sugar factory is a decentralized exchange protocol that allows users to exchange tokens without trust in the Binance Smart Chain which focuses on the entertainment sector. One of our strategic visions in Sugar Factory is to create money incentives for most users committed and motivated.our unique goal of discovering, guiding, and for investing in artists for their transition to the blockchain.

we believe that we can create a link between new technologies in Music and Art, in doing so we can pave the way for a complete new system. Sugar factory aims to create an interactive and fun experience for all users on to strengthen the community in the long term. by becoming a part of the Sugar Factory and lending funds through the magic of smart contracts, you will not only earn tokens but also part of the changing interactions between the Music business and the arts.

The deflationary currency
including 10% tax, increased
in scarcity and prize holders. That $ SGFuel will be the main fuel of our use during exchange stage 1 and will allow users to get our second Sugar Factory
#Bsc $ Loaf Token.


the SuGarFuel Token Protocol token is a mix of RFI tokens with the added functionality of an automatic liquidity generating protocol:

FIRST, the developer has printed a token sending the balance to DxSale - after which a number of tokens will be burned manually for fair launch. the burning process will continue every week after launch.

SECOND, we will use the DxSale protocol to foster trust within the community by auto-locking liquidity for 1 year (60%), while adding 26% of DxSale presales to PancakeSwap LPs.

60% Locked
PancakeSwap Liquidity
via DxSale Locker for 1 year

26% Added to
pancakeSwap liquidity
a pool for a fair launch


The SuGarFuel Token Protocol operates on the Binance Smart Chain. Binance stands out with significantly lower transaction fees compared to their competitors. the model used by this platform allows for faster transaction processing and provides space for creating DApps and other DeFi products.

SUGAR FACTORY is a team of dedicated people who are passionate about Arts and Crypto. with mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies (NFT Boom, Crypto Art, Meme Tokens), it is clear that the market has been overloaded with new investors, who have limited or no market knowledge. weintends to provide every detail of all information and transactions that will occur on our network, this is to ensure the safety of our community.

We want to lead the transition between entertainment and new technology by creating a positive impact and enlarging our list of artists who want to continue to be successful.

Our team of producers and designers are ready to work with the community by analyzing the best creators in our network. we look forward to your collaboration at SugarFactoryBsc. Our primary goal is to have a strong and vibrant community, who experience their trust and appreciation for their talents.


Beverage providers benefit based on the amount of liquidation they have to give into the pool as a gift. sugarFactoryBsc aims to provide incentives to the community.


Based on our stakes and awards
projections, we will allocate enough tokens to stake the prize. this will incentivize shareholders to hold their tokens during the early stages of Sugar Mill development. in addition, more features will be launched and revealed with the release of our Roadmap.

For more information about Sugar factory, click the link below
Username : Ozie94
Profile :;u=2103066
BSC Wallet Address : 0xEfd7255D5b89Ceffa7d0E297b556286C143e779B

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