Hope Token creates a secure transactional channel that connects global currencies for charitable projects and to help people in need - ICO Project



Monday, June 14, 2021

Hope Token creates a secure transactional channel that connects global currencies for charitable projects and to help people in need

Hope Token Foundation will be one of the best shared experiments of operating a factual world charitable establishment. Hope token would use tokens to donate or generate charity projects. It is fully committed to charity projects and uses Ethereums and smart contract as the fundamental platform to ensure better
consistency and transparency.

The goal is to create a secured transactional channel that connects global currency for charity projects and to aid people in need by currency conversion into non-profit ecosystem. The platform permits the user to make a contribution to any charity, project, or fundraiser in any fiat currency and obtain tokens equivalent to their endowment.

Symbol: HT

Crowd sale Opening Date: Yet to be announced

TOKEN SALE RATE: .05 per coin in USDTARGET RAISE AMOUNT (US$): MIN $10 Million

TARGET SALE TOKEN: 250,000,000 Tokens

Bonus: 1st week 50% and will decrease 15% each week until it's zero


Hope token foundation is developing an easy to use and instinctive platform, where the establishment aims to eliminate most technical obstacles for token holders to interact it. Though, not sure about the internal communication on the platform and star list of the advisors, but the plus is that team majorly consists of the Blockchain & Cryptocurrency developers who have an extensive and noteworthy experience and appear to be a much committed team required for such platform development.

Initially, the platform would work as a web interface for the users to transfer the tokens to specific project or charity.While there are readily available lCOs that claim to be help charitable cause, Hope token desires to offer a different perception to running a real foundation on Blockchain which is actually an innovative idea to bring aspects like funding, transparency and operations of Charity associations on chain. Also, the token will allow various persons and groups to receive cryptocurrency donations on the platform, which will afterwards be converted into fiat.

The major constructive matter of the hope token platform is that it is hosted on a server with DDOS shield to prevent possible attack from hackers. This will be intended to come with much static functionality to make certain that users can effortlessly navigate through the platform.

Hope token platform would allow the fundraiser (whether an organization or an individual) to host on their website, so that they can reach out to new people and ultimately can have a better opportunity of raising the amount required.

There are many Charity tokens that claim to use the Blockchain technology but the Hope Foundation, aims to be the beneficial and secured link that connects crypto exchange technology for currency conversion into non-profit ecosystem. It would also let the user to donate in any fiat currency and in return can receive token equivalent to their endowment value.

Conveying a clear oversight and precision to charities and fundraisers, Hope token innovations greatly progress the outdated traditional donation frameworks to present day technology world.

How does Hope token work:

The platform would allow donor to explore and select by industry, organisation, community project, relief projects or an individual in need of financial support.

While making donations, many companies reap tax benefits by write off donations on their taxes. But this platform would provide the user account that shows the transaction history of donations made and also the list of organisations or individuals towards which the donation have been made.

To register on the platform, any user (above 18 years) can sign-up for free and create an account to contribute to their cause right away.

All the fundraising accounts will be thoroughly screened before being listed.

All the individuals seeking financial assistance in lieu of medical condition, funeral, or disconnection of services would have to submit an application.

Hope token team would carry out an intensive research to verify community projects/ reliefs. The necessary supporting and reference documents would be required to validate the presence of such community.

For the organisations to be registered and receive funds, need to provide documents that prove them to be a registered Non Profit Organization.

Hope token Solution:

The execution of hope token platform using blockchain technology spins around the security within a system. As this kind of systems use a lot of personal and financial information of any individual, these systems have to be highly secured to offer protection against any information hacks.

As this platform converts cryptocurrencies into fiat, any user details is recorded and stored permanently and thus need to be stored in a secure manner. The platform will be optimized to guarantee all aspects of receiving and the conversion of donations runs as expected.

Cryptocurrencies being secure transactional channel also provides an opportunity of being anonymous while processing transactions. This allows many donors to remain anonymous as is not the case with the conventional currencies and charitable crowdfunding channels.

Thus, this hope token platform provides such donors (who wish to contribute anonymously) with a chance to remain unidentified and still contribute to a social cause of their own choice. Donating without revealing the identity is ver much an option but activities such as commenting, reviewing, or creating projects will need registration or not is unclear.

Hope token endow with a positive and fruitful situation irrespective of number of volunteers or expenses an organization has. Adding up to this, the platform not only serves as a channel to accept cryptocurrency donations but also facilitate the conversion of these crypocurrencies into fiat which will be distributed by the company at the ongoing market rate.

The platform deploys the token on a much secured system to avoid modification of user details and accounts. As the platform relies on Ethereum smart contract, it is deployed with the security protocol that ensures greater consistency and.

The smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain helps in reducing complication in the transactions commenced by the users. Furthermore, third party security experts might be consulted to audit the security capacity of hope token platform.


I believe if the proposed structure and idea is implemented properly, it would be of great value towards the adoption of cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology in future. This would bring precision and transparency in transactions and also, would help in automating the key administrative and fundraising tasks by getting governance of charities on chain.

HOPE Token Community

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