Freelanex - Next generation blockchain the first choice in the freelance world - ICO Project



Friday, September 27, 2019

Freelanex - Next generation blockchain the first choice in the freelance world

How nice to know that the world in which we live is much better than it was ten or even twenty years ago. Now, when there are so many opportunities, technologies and tools for our own implementation around us, we have a unique opportunity to realize all our wildest ideas, and also be proud of their application in practice by other people. And of course I now have a creative embodiment of their potential, as well as a number of other useful skills, the result of which can create different attributes of our life. That is, surround yourself with what we need most.

Naturally, in order for all this to become part of one big system, it is important for people to promote their talents through the masses, for this they get a job where their abilities can fully unfold within a particular company. Or, on the contrary, create their own source of income from the comfort of their own homes. To be honest, the second method of implementation over the past ten years has gained particular popularity among the working class population, as symbolized by various statistics and research. Yes, what can I say in the United States alone freelancers employs more than 50 million people. Moreover, this number from year to year only grows and increases.


This statistic can not please, as it shows us new business relationships, as well as a different approach to the working environment. However, despite all this positive mood, the sphere of freelancing still experiences a number of problems, which we are in principle now with you and talk. The first and probably the most common problem in the field of freelancing is a low level of trust. With that, it is low not only in relation to remote employees, but also to the employers themselves, as not always and not everyone is willing to pay in good faith for the work performed. Or, on the contrary, not everyone is willing to pay in advance for work not yet done. The second most popular problem is associated more with high transaction fees and all kinds of commissions existing within a particular platform. After all, no one wants to share the lion's share of their income with the system, which just allowed you to place your ad.

As for the third problem, its structure refers to the lack of decent agreements between the freelancer and his potential employer, as well as any other checks to perform the quality of work. That is, the evaluation of the work takes place in the opinion of one or another party without special, written agreements. What natural way can bring a number of grievances or discrepancies expected result with the actually available. In short, the freelance market needs decent communication tools, as well as common provisions of the Convention. Which can be achieved only with the help of a combination of several tools. Interested to know what? Then read this post to the end and you will learn a lot of interesting things.

About the project and its features

The project, which I want to tell you today, is a new decentralized environment in which freelancers from all over the world will find the highest quality and advanced tools to realize their potential. I called it project – Freelanex. As you already understood, the main goal of the project is to create and provide a comfortable environment for communication of a huge number of users, where each will find a proper, transparent and efficient environment. Where all transactions will be recorded by specially designed smart contracts, as well as meet all the requirements of reliability and security. In principle, initially implies that any decentralized structure.

In addition to the Freelanex will be available for your payment gateway which will be carried out all transactions and financial calculations on the result of the work performed. That will make the structure Freelanex more accessible and flexible across our planet and its freelance members.


Despite the fact that most of the advantages I listed in the previous paragraph, however, Freelanex is ready to demonstrate a number of other features that make it a favorite among existing platforms for freelancers. As you remember the basis of Freelanex formed the modern technology of the blockchain with which the founders of the system, and intend to come to more transparent, reliable and safe relationship between working remotely the employee and his employer. Of course, that their communication has been most appropriately, the founders Freelanex launched its smart contracts without which you will not make any order through this ecosystem. His presence will avoid many controversial issues, as well as increase the level of trust on both sides. This will deprive them of reasonable doubt in violation of any rights, or something worse than cheating in the framework of Freelanex. Reinforce the same all these high levels of security, will be mandatory system KYC without which unfortunately these days it is absolutely no way.


I think it's no secret that the development of its own decentralized ecosystem requires an internal token with which all transactions will be made, as well as all possible payments and rewards. That in principle is logical, given format our today's themes and its features of. So I present to you the internal token platform Freelanex – FLXC. It is important to note that this token is developed according to the Ethereum Protocol and complies with the ERC20 standard. At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that this marker meets all economic principles, and therefore passes the AML test.

On the other hand, the total supply of FLXC markers will amount to 10 billion pieces, most of which will be presented for public sale. As for the remaining half of the coins, it will be properly distributed between the development team and its group of advisors, as well as reserved for the further development of Freelanex. The revenue generated from the sale of *FLXC * tokens will be as follows:


In conclusion of this review, I would like to once again note a clear and structured approach to the existing problems of the market of remote employment of citizens of many countries, as well as a qualitative solution to all the above problems. I believe that the Freelanex platform is worthy of your attention, as its interface with available functionality is ready to help you realize your full potential at 100%. At the same time guarantee a high level of trust, reliability, transparency and most importantly security!

But, as they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. So my words did not seem to you too unfounded, I invite you to study the platform Freelanex. To do this, you only need all the official information that you can easily find in the next section. On this perhaps all!

The official resources of the project Freelanex:

Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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