ProFish: Utilizing Blockchain Technology at Sports Fishing Areas - ICO Project



Monday, October 29, 2018

ProFish: Utilizing Blockchain Technology at Sports Fishing Areas

Ever wondered what effect the application of blockchain technology into sports would have on the sector?

Well, I'm sure your guess is as good mine. At least, before I learnt about profish.

Time and again, we've seen the benefits of blockchain technology being harnessed to solve problems across a number of sectors globally. For the most part though, the finance sector is the beneficiary. The health and computing sectors have likewise enjoyed a fair share of the cake, although it's nothing when compared to the former. Interestingly, the gaming industry is not left out either but it's only at its cradle stage. Besides, gaming is merely a subset of the sports sector.
And, blockchain technology is still at an abysmmal level in the sports sector especially when examined through the lens of general use and mass adoption.

What is Profish?

Profish is the first of its kind. Its an initiative borne from the recognition of how the blockchain technology can be leveraged in the sports sector, specifically in sports fishing, to improve the conduct of things therein and generate more revenue.

Why sports fishing?

In the United States alone, sports fishing is has a total market cap of close to $130 billion. So, it is indeed worthy of attention.
Being a recreational sport, the market is persistently increasing as newbies will certainly be added every year, aside the locals. The industry is truly booming but its devoid of multi-purpose 'blockchain technology,' hence, profish.

Online Tournaments
As far as sport fishers go, profish tournament will not be much of a new thing, but for the fact that all transactions are blockchain-verifiable and the winners are rewarded in FISH token. 

Notably, it is made public on the platform's community page and this bears a lot of semblance to the likes of Facebook as it enables winners to share their catches to the entire community. Again, the posts can be shared on our preferred external social networking communities. This way users can feel a greater sense of accomplishment. The bottomline is that users will turn out to be both happy and passion-driven.

Peer-to-Peer Exchange
The marketplace avails the platform users with such tools that makes it less necessary for a third party to be present in other to transact. In other words, profish's ecosystem is decentralised, allowing Peer-to-Peer exchanges.
Members can either use FISH or ETH to facilitate exchange of goods and services. Notably, profish does not charge any fee but a certain default gas fee is deducted by the network.

Profish is absolutely transparent and secure.

Promotion of Healthy Competition
The leaderboard feature is updated regularly and automatically, thereby enabling profishers to monitor their current ranking. As a result, healthy competition is encouraged. 

One of the most crucial problems with the loyalty gifts and points that many retailers offer is the fact that it has restricted use, I.e, it is not interoperable. And both onsite shop retailers and online retailers are guilty of same.

Profish is most unique in this regard, as the FISH token is acceptable on several marketplaces, shops and quite a few others aside its native platform.

Of a fact, Profish is yet a pioneer in the recreational fishing industry but it shows good promise nonetheless. And when I reflect on the saying which ensues that Rome was not built in a day , I am quite optimistic that it will revolutionize the industry in no small way. Perhaps, it would pave the way for more players to undertake the responsibility of making the sports sector a major hub for blockchain-powered operations.

Token Distribution



Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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