ProFish - Innovative Concept in Online Transactions - ICO Project



Monday, October 29, 2018

ProFish - Innovative Concept in Online Transactions

the development of digital platforms from time to time and, of course, experience tremendous acceleration. the services and features produced are always more sophisticated and sophisticated than the development of previous versions. Does this make sense? Of course
we are in an era of acceleration today, where the world and technology are changing rapidly, this is due to the massive development of technology for various purposes aimed at solving problems. In the current era, there are almost no problems that cannot be solved with the help of technology, this is very different compared to people from a few decades ago, we dropped the situation where the movement and development of any sector in the world walking slowly
We are at the point where the principle of a centralized ecosystem will be replaced by a decentralized ecosystem. We are familiar with blockchain technology that runs on a decentralized platform. Sooner or later it will become part of human life. and he already ran on that track. Blockchain technology allows us to do many amazing things using this technology.


In the community or ProFish platform, transactions will use FISH tokens. FISH tokens can benefit three different parties, namely fishermen, vendors and retailers around the world through the ProFish platform, this will be very effective in today’s technological development.

three main service facilities namely:

1. Online Tournaments
A race or tournament, but in online media, quite interesting. In this tournament, transaction costs are quite low, because it uses the Blockchain, so transactions will be quickly verified and network security for transactions is very tight. Winners in the tournament will get FISH tokens for the rewards, and be announced on the community page.

2. Online Market
Here, allows fishermen, vendors and retailers to exchange goods or services using both FISH and ETH (Ethereum) tokens. The payment system will also be linked directly to the community shop. And the ProFish team is also developing to enable fishermen, vendors and retailers to have their own stores, so they can post goods or services for sale quickly.

3. Gift system
Having a gift dependent on a particular retailer might seem like a fortune in an ordinary gift program, but here it isn’t. Customers of their own accord will come to any available and most convenient system of choice, and FISH tokens that will work in all markets and platforms, reward programs and services that strengthen the fisheries sports economy.

Online tournaments are not a new concept, they have a proven track record in the sports fishing industry. Many sports fishermen are already familiar with online tournament operations. However, the ProFish tournament, will have additional benefits in the form of low transaction costs that are verified in the Ethereum block chain.

Online tournament winners receive FISH tokens and advertise on the ProFish community page. Community websites have similar social networking capabilities as Facebook. Users can add friends, create groups, write on other people’s walls and share their catches through the site. In addition to social networking features from websites, solutions are also being made to access external social networking platforms to share some of their proudest achievements on their favorite platforms.


ProFish online Marketplace internet market allows marketers, retailers and fishermen to exchange goods and services using FISH and / or ethereum tokens. Community members can also use this feature as an online exchange to sell used or customized hardware.

Payment will be integrated directly into the joint shop. Everything is made to allow sellers, retailers and only members of the platform to have their own stores with the possibility of placing items for sale quickly.

bonuses Bonus programs are very common in sport fishing: almost all large stores offer their own incentive programs. Very often, customers receive points, virtual gift cards, or samples that are only linked to certain retailers, products, or offers. They always expire from time to time and, in general, regular customers with small balances that cannot be used.

As a rule, the bonus program closes from one market to another. Having a gift system associated with a particular retailer might seem like an advantage to traditional gift programs, but in an increasingly decentralized world, it doesn’t. Clients will come naturally to the choices that are most comfortable and available for them to use; FISH will operate on markets and platforms, combine additional programs and services, strengthen the sport fishing economy. Imagine millions of dollars spent on advertising on social networks, television, radio and sponsors; Most of the money comes out of the industry.

FISH is about fishermen who can catch bait or other cheap items with bonus points, share fishing stories with other fishermen, interact comfortably with their favorite retailers and participate in tournaments. The use of ProFish services (for example, online markets or tournaments) simultaneously increases the convenience of purchases and promotes the active use of sports fisheries products. Fishing tournaments are not easily measured directly in sales, but they are easily measured with enthusiasm. FISH aims to make fishermen enjoy their passion.


According to research conducted by American Sport Fishing Association in its report, Sportfishing In America, more than 60 million Americans spend around $ 46 billion a year on recreational fishing. Recreational fishing (also known as recreational fishing) has a total economic impact of $ 115 billion in the US alone. Law., When fishing costs are included for lodging, transportation and other costs associated with fishing. The United States accounts for around 45% of world income from sport fishing; Other popular spots include Japan, South America, Australia, South Africa and Scandinavia. According to research, sport fishing increases income by around 3.5% per year worldwide.

So far, however, the benefits of blockchain technology have not been applied in this rapidly growing industry. ProFish is the first organization of its kind in a truly backward market. ProFish, Fish Token is able to provide new types of business sensations and new and brilliant changes to the sport fishing community; FISH for fishermen.

The token allocation responsible for the

Token that has been collected will be used for several purposes. this is what all investors who have joined PROFISH Project have done

A Profitable Roadmap The roadmap covers the period between Q3 2018, when it all starts and ends in Q2-3 in 2019, when the project plans to continue its development. Everything is carefully planned so that each successive stage follows the schedule. This guarantees good results and perfect coordination

For more information about this great project, please click on the link below;




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Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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