As not fact, but the world economic relations far not perfect. There are all sorts of inequalities, as well as a lot of injustice. I think for anybody will not open a secret, if I say that many large companies giants trample under themselves the entire market. Their power and development hinders, and sometimes purposefully destroys small and medium-sized enterprises, preventing them from fully developing and creating healthy competition in the world market. Naturally, such monopolization creates a certain imbalance in the value system and deprives the chances for the development of many potentially high-quality companies. Which all forces are prepared offer far more good world, than existing on market giants.
And there are thousands of such examples. What can I say, many business areas in the pursuit of profit forget about the many negative consequences associated with the environmental friendliness of their production. Putting at the head only the financial side of the issue to which, in principle, and reduced all the main actions and functions of the enterprise. Destroying at the same time our environment and showing their products are too low quality.
This example is particularly acute in the agricultural sector, where ordinary farmers are forced to adapt to a harsh market for a commodity and use different chemicals and pesticides in the process of growing their crops in order not to stand out too much in the final consumer market, as a large price difference negatively affects the income of the same farmer. Therefore, in order to somehow compete with the huge agricultural holdings they have to adapt to this not quite honest and healthy market. As a result, everyone suffers, and first of all consumers, who are forced to buy products in low-quality stores, since there are simply no others. And no, because the purpose of producers is profit, not quality. The sad thing is, this happens very often.

Moreover, this kind of" games " lead to a crazy stratification of society, dividing them into very rich and poor. As evidenced by the world statistics, which recorded only 1% of the super-rich people on the planet and 99% of the poor. Naturally, it will be extremely difficult to fix such a model of society overnight, it will take years or even decades. However, if nothing is done, then everything will remain in place, and even deteriorate at all. Therefore, sitting idly by is not an option, especially for a team of specialists who are striving to bring into this world sustainable communication tools to solve all of the above problems.

About the project and its features
The project I want to talk to you about today is called 2Local. In fact, his concept is not something ordinary and something completely new for us. However, its principles are based on the qualitative transformation of existing tools that can be positively used for the benefit of the whole society. At the same time, we sincerely strive to solve the problems with the environment, poverty and hunger existing in the world.
There is no doubt that in order to achieve all this, the available and effective tools are needed, thanks to which the whole plan is being implemented. Therefore, before developing 2Local, the founders worked out thousands of concepts and came to the conclusion that the use of blockchain technology with a properly set mission and its core values can achieve incredible, and most importantly sustainable results in all spheres of our life. Namely, to bring a balance to the competitive environment, forming a new layer of solidarity and environmental friendliness in all respects.

Benefits and Tools
As for the way to implement the conceived ideas, the founders 2Local developed a simple and affordable decentralized application, the use of which is able to once and for all set the value for its user. At the same time allow him to receive tangible benefits in the form of cashback from each purchase. Moreover, these opportunities imply high-quality interaction not only with local products, but also with goods, which will naturally form a new competitive environment and allow the user to choose only the best for themselves and their loved ones.

As I said, the developed applications with built-in smart contracts and wallets adapted to any type of smartphone will help to carry out all these actions. It does not matter whether you have it type Android or iOS. It will be a pleasure to make any transactions within 2Local, as they will be carried out almost instantly when scanning the QR-code. That I believe very conveniently and well as relevant in our days.

To support the entire economic structure of the project2Local will allow its specially designed L2L token on the basis of which all internal transactions and payments will be formed. Please note that this token is based on the Stellar Protocol, which makes it even more stable and reliable in terms of the payment unit 2Local system. All the founders 2Local will be released L2L coins, most of which will be naturally selected for IEO of sales. In this case, the initial value of the coins will start from 0.00036317 USD for 1 L2L, which makes it easily accessible to all inhabitants of our planet.

Moreover, the initial entry into the system will be only 2,5 EUR, which is also not any significant contribution towards a brighter future. However, within 2Local there will be all necessary checks related to money laundering and financial terrorism. Therefore, users whose transactions will exceed more than 1.000 USD per month will have to go through the standard KYC and AML procedures. These are the conditions of the Dutch financial system.
Concluding my review, once again I want to draw your attention to how much we need fundamental changes. The world is far from perfect and we all know it. But to change it without our common efforts, it is unlikely to succeed. And since the happiness of each of us depends on a series of selected decisions and actions. It is important to remember that they affect not only you and me, but the whole world around us. As for the concept of the platform 2Local, as for me it is interesting and most importantly pursues positive goals aimed at universal comfort and harmony. Which is extremely rare these days.

But, and to these days became much more, I propose to study 2Local a little deeper and more detailed. Since in the depths of its technical documentation are still hidden a lot of useful processes, which I unfortunately did not have time to mention. But they are worth being heard and read. So do not switch and go to the next section of my article, which contains all the official social resources.
The official resources of the project 2Local:
WEBSITE: https://2local.io/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Group_2local
WHITEPAPER: https://2local.io/docs/Whitepaper.pdf
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5182812.0
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/2local1
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@2local
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/2local
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/2local_1/
Username : Ozie94
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