Whatever you digitally exchange with anyone, anywhere, is not private by any privacy standards; including information exchanged on your "private" intranet company network.
The aim of ICO P2PS, which is given to you by the P2P Solutions Foundation, is to bring you a system where you can exchange digital assets or confidential files without intervention from third parties, even by administrators. P2PS is a fully functional product that has no comparable alternatives, alternatives or parallels at the global level.
P2PS is a blockchain-powered digital communication platform, safe, pure peer to peer, hassle-free, designed for everyone with a secure store and digital data exchange such as personal data, medical records, banking data and government confidential data, among exchanges of other digital sensitive. Such a platform does not exist at all.
1. Buying a P2PS Token helps grow an economic ecosystem that is built around secure, peer-to-peer, hassle free communication platforms. You help build a network of interrupt free communication systems that are very safe and strong with the processing and records of sustainable transactions. This process also simplifies financial actions into an efficient and very safe process.
2. P2PS Token purchase volume has a direct effect on the volume of transactions accommodated by the ecosystem. Finally, more online traders will be interested in using the P2PS ecosystem because the value of all outstanding P2PS Tokens increases; the results will present more options for P2PS Token holders to buy a greater variety of products and services when we diversify.
3. When you buy P2PS Tokens, you contribute directly to the new economy that has been designed for your benefit. Please note that you do not invest in the company or in the creation of a company or company. We have passed this stage and offered P2PS utility tokens which you will eventually need if you prefer to use our secure and hassle free communication platform.
Platform for confidentiality: P2PS

P2PS previously seen a global problem that everything you exchange digitally with anyone and anywhere, is ultimately not personal with a standard of confidentiality; including information exchanged on your "private" corporate network. P2PS sets goals where it tries to provide users with a secure system where they can exchange assets or systems that cannot join them.
In addition, which is also very important to note - P2PS is a pure peer-to-peer network that protects, for example, your medical records, banking information and other sensitive digital assets during exchanges between two parties. The big advantage of the P2PS project is that there are currently no projects with such ideas.
New Solution From P2PS Platform:

Today, there are many uses for the blockchain technology that many new customers or cryptocurrency such as P2PS are created. What is P2PS? P2PS is Ethereum Blockchain based on crypto-tokens. De facto, this token is a standard security as a blockchain security as a digital asset. In addition, this token provides a variety of peer transactions that are decentralized, safe, and easy to communicate. P2PS tokens can be used in various purposes.
Collaboration P2P solutions for the ELI and ISI collaboration with:
- Grow partnerships with all stakeholders and clients
- Motivate team members through incentives and rewards
- Promote the goal of enriching the community and maintaining an ecosystem of client confidentiality
P2PS tokens are made by trusted agencies.

- P2PS crypto-tokens are based on Ethereum Block, which is related to the term peer to peer that connects to the peer to peer developer community and wider users. The presence of P2PS and its business aims to create a system that supports security, innovation, and economic division for each individual. P2PS is a user-friendly, personal and comfortable platform.
- Tokens can be transferred and redeemed, and users are decentralized. P2PS tokens will be used for several stages, one of which is during pre-sales and ICO.
- During this period, participants can purchase these P2PS stores and get bonuses in the form of prizes. The amount of prizes depends on the time or day when they bought the token. Proceeds from selling tokens will be used to develop P2PS tokens and platforms.
- This is done so that P2PS tokens has become stronger than before. P2PS tokens will be included in the cryptocurrency list in several markets, such as Bittrex, Coinone, Poloniex, Yobit, Waves EDX, Liqui, Crptopia, and so on. After users get this token, they can store it in a standard ERC20 wallet like Mist, Parity, Imtoken, and so on.
- This can be used for various peer-to-peer networks needs or trading through crypto exchanges. The total ingredients produced are 95,000,000 tokens. In pre-sales and ICO, 45,000,000 tokens will be distributed and bonuses will be given to participants. 5,000,000 will be allocated to the Bounty.
- The P2PS team will be given tokens of more than 5,000,000 or around 0.9%. then, the remaining tokens will be used for the balance-dome.

- Token: P2PS
- Platform: Ethereum
- Type: ERC20
- PreICO Price: 1 P2PS = 2.33 USD
- ICO Prices: 3.0000 USD
- Starting: Sep 10 2018
- Number of tokens sold: 50,000,000 P2PS (50%)
- End: Apr 30, 2019
- Token exchange rate: 150 P2PS = 1 ETH / 0.06 BTC / 6 LTC
- Acceptable currencies: ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC
- Minimum transaction amount: 50 P2PS
- Soft Cap - equivalent to $ 750000 (read the Pre-ICO & ICO section under the FAQ)
- Hard Cap - ~ $ 50 Million equivalent
Token Distribution
Link to follow:

- Site - https://www.p2psf.org/
- White paper - https://www.p2psf.org/wp- content / uploads / 2017/12 / P2PS_Whitepaper_V1.1_English.pdf
- ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2419138
- TELEGRAM - https://t.me/joinchat/FK00U0bfzHmFy0XODee9vg
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/p2psf/
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/p2psf
Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576
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