VIRTUAL PARK - a platform that combines VR and Blockchain - ICO Project



Friday, April 5, 2019

VIRTUAL PARK - a platform that combines VR and Blockchain


It is difficult to imagine what awaits us in the near future, if already now the world is implementing a huge variety of incredible and unique projects, each of which was once something incomprehensible and unreal. However, over time, they all found strength and became more than real than ever.

Today we will talk about one very interesting topic as virtual reality and all its features. It turns out quite recently, humanity could only dream of experiencing new and previously unknown emotions caused by visual effects from virtual reality. Now in the world there are a large number of technologies that contribute to the transmission of high-quality signals, as well as vivid impressions from the interaction with virtual reality.


However, not everything is as rosy as it may seem at first glance. Of course, despite all the growth and development potential, the sphere of virtual reality is experiencing a large number of problems associated primarily with the lack of all the necessary technical components and products without which it simply can not go forward. In simple terms, in the world of virtual reality, there are still a large number of products that are ready to demonstrate a wide range of educational and entertainment channels of interaction. And all because the market does not have any proposal for the unification of different areas of virtual reality, where within a single ecosystem will meet and developers, and consumers and those who will offer all these services.

But do not rush to get upset ahead of time, as a team of specialists from today's project has long noticed this problem and tried to offer the market its solution. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to today's project – Virtual Park.

About the project

VR Park is a set of innovations and technologies that form a huge system with the help of which virtual reality producers will be able to implement their projects, and users will be able to directly purchase all the necessary products related to this direction.

Since the industry itself involves a large number of different areas, ranging from scientific and technical, to marketing and other tools that allow to solve together incredible tasks. That is why VR Park intends to combine the above technologies with another popular and well-known technology – blockchain. Thanks to it, VR Park will bring the virtual world to a new stage of development, while providing a quality ground for creative development.

Design feature

If we talk about the VR Park project in simple words, this platform contributes to the mass development of software and hardware for high-quality VR content. Since this will create all the conditions that contribute to the unification of intellectual and entertainment solutions. After all, work on the project began back in 2016, with the technical support of HTC Vive and Tesla Suite. After that, in 2017, the project demonstrated its first VR Park in Russia, and then in other European countries. In the near future it is expected to launch another 28 parks in Europe and the United States, as well as in the UAE.

Naturally, in order to stimulate the constant demand from VR Parkvisitors, they should regularly update their virtual content with new worlds and other interesting features, thanks to which the user will not only be able to have fun, but also to gain some knowledge and experience. Therefore, the founders of VR Park offer all developers of virtual worlds to join a single system together to offer their products and applications.


Such associations are fraught with a large number of advantages, due to which:
developers will be able to immediately implement their projects in the broad masses of society;
users will find an incredible selection of entertainment and educational scenarios;
these VR parks will contribute not only to the functional rest and pastime of the user, but also to its further intellectual development;
thanks to the built-in online store, the user will be able to purchase any of its products of VR space, at the best prices;
and finally, the technology, which is accompanied by cryptocurrency tokens, will contribute to the full-scale development of the project around the world, no matter in what geographical point you and it will be.


As you may have guessed, the system will have its own internal coin – VR, which is developed according to the classic ERC20 standard on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain. The range of use of the token is extensive, it can easily pay for any purchase within the system, as well as be used as a modular tool when opening a franchise. At the same time, the founders of VR Park have prepared their own system of discounts and incentives for token holders, which you will learn about from the official sources of the project.

The distribution of tokens is as follows:



The project itself is a comprehensive solution that simultaneously aims to bring together a large number of parties, each of which is responsible for the creation and consumption of the virtual content. And the only thing that VR Park has done is to prepare for them a reliable, safe and high-tech, but at the same time very open and accessible environment. Which in turn will have a positive impact on the development of the entire VR industry around the world. After all, many experts predict an unprecedented growth of the entire VR market and all related projects and applications. This means that VR Park will have something to show the interested audience around the world.

Of course, my review does not include a deep analysis of the project and all its functions, however, it describes all the important and useful aspects of the project itself so that you can get acquainted with them and understand whether you are interested in this concept or not. For those who found the project very interesting, I have prepared all the official, social resources that will be available immediately after this article. And that's all for today, good luck!

Official resources of VR Park project:

Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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