EOSbet - a blockchain game platform built to disrupt conventional gaming systems built on the EOS network. - ICO Project



Saturday, February 2, 2019

EOSbet - a blockchain game platform built to disrupt conventional gaming systems built on the EOS network.

EOSbet is one of the talking point of the town now, it has been tipped to be the most promising project so far in this period. In case you don't know, EOSbet is a blockchain gaming platform built in order to disrupt the conventional gaming system; it was built on EOS network.
The EOSbet is not just a paper project, it is a project that will be known worldwide. A news surface just resent the EOSBet has secure an accreditation from the most seasoned internet gaming controllers in the market (Curacaon eGaming). The Curacao eGaming (received authority from State Ministry of Justice) is the body controlling and issuing gambling license to all related platform and managing the gambling market.

So EOSbet has been structured as a keen clubhouse that is altogether on the on-chain betting dApp, making players to wedge the EOS on the bones tossing diversion, or the stages remarkably structured baccarat game. EOSbet will offer its clients to makes it the top of the line dApp that is at present on the EOS organize.

Why EOSbet?

This platform came up to offer a solution to the challenges facing gaming system, EOSbet intended to address a portion of the principal issues that are existing in the concentrated web based gaming stages. Some of the challenges are issue of lack of trust in the ecosystem, issues of expensive charges on the diversions, and not overlooking the high house advantage that will in general murder your inspiration to play.


EOSbet, an EOS blockchain based project will offer their different clients the proficiency of moment exchange times, zero expenses in the exchanges they do in addition to a close to zero inactivity. The EOSbet’s dApp is the absolute first network driven online gambling club that you can discover in the market that permitting the holders of the BET token to almost certainly get some moment remunerates as the EOS. The EOSbet platform will enhance payouts in a flash way and it will get deliver to the users with any alteration or delay.


The EOSbet is working hard to be the first and the best of such type in this current century. They will bring back the gaming pace that has been lost due to issues of irregularities and difficulties that entise the previous gaming system. Taking a look at the Curacao licensees they got has gave them edge over their counterpart and this will help many to work in every one of the types of intelligent betting they could need to get into. The EOSbet platform will open the opportunity for people to make all necessary profits of their target. EOSbet is a project we must embrace, the issue of lack of trust will be things of past; there will be transparency in the ecosystem as never before and the smart contracts will secure users fund and make transaction fast as light.

Get more information about EOSbet by accessing any of their official links below:

Website: https://eosbet.io/
medium: https://medium.com/@eosbetcasino
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eosbetcasino
Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/eosbetcasino
telegram: https://t.me/eosbetcasino

Username : Ozie94
Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2103066

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