Overview of Synapsecoin - a new way to invest, a unique financial system with blockchain technology. - ICO Project



Sunday, December 30, 2018

Overview of Synapsecoin - a new way to invest, a unique financial system with blockchain technology.

What is Synapsecoin? 

SYNAPSECOIN is a new way to invest, as well as a unique financial system with blockchain technology. This system provides innovative solutions, where each cryptocurrency investor can find a number of specific modern projects (previously filtered by the team platform). And an entrepreneur can find a team of highly qualified specialists in various fields who can bring this or that project to life by connecting with investors.

SYNAPSECOIN system users, as claimed by the project team, in the future will have all the appropriate micro systems and tools which will ultimately provide liquidity for many companies that use the international system that supports the economy for SYNAPSECOIN cryptocurrency, which contributes to this social. Improved relations and technological technology. Advanced. In addition, successful companies on the cryptocurrency market imply a percentage of profit, security, and privacy thanks to the unique Blockchain technology and smart contracts that make it easy for every investor in the system to travel using their economy.

SYNAPSECOIN is a platform that is collected to connect business ideas and investors. The SYNAPSECOIN team will provide customers with all the benefits of Blockchain technology in support of creating a fundamental system that will contribute to new financial and social growth.

The SYNAPSECOIN Team offers solutions with crowdfunding projects using Blockchain technology and smart contracts. The team is developing a crowdfunding system where investors, after receiving a smart contract, will receive prizes for their investments through SYP tokens in real time. SYNAPSECOIN will be a platform that allows people to develop their business ideas or projects throughout the world. The project team attracts users, so they create opportunities to choose projects for investment, gain attractive benefits, among other advantages, which add to the details of each project.

SYNAPSECOIN is a global crowdfunding system, which supports is to gather various investors with unique business ideas to develop your own or other projects while maintaining the security and confidentiality of good investors. Crowdfunding is a financial system that connects people who have projects with other people who receive small, medium, and large funds. In return, employers give gifts to investors. This award will be determined by each specific project and begins with the developer SYNAPSECOIN. In some cases, investors can become partners or shareholders of projects that are in accordance with their interests.

For SYNAPSECOIN, investor safety is the basic goal of the project, compilation of certain projects reaches 100% of the cost, it is given to entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs who create projects, 20% of capital withdrawn, can be sent according to project development to receive SYNAPSECOIN before. This project will have 3 verifications, of which the approval will be approved, every time a proposal is approved, the capital provided will be given to the employer. SYNAPSECOIN This team uses a full license, so Criptowasi is also created where users can exchange cryptocurrency, such as: SYP, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, litecoin, Doge and others. Here, users can also trade and benefit from getting digital currencies.

The SYNAPSECOIN team consists of unique specialists: lawyers, programmers, engineers, and technical experts. The SYNAPSECOIN team brings together professionals who are dedicated in the fields of finance, technology and entrepreneurship, coordinating to work and fulfill all their duties. 

Project roadmap: Project 

team : Project 

contact information: 

Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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