AIDUS - A decentralized market for global platforms - ICO Project



Tuesday, December 18, 2018

AIDUS - A decentralized market for global platforms

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Good afternoon, friends. Let's talk today about such a direction as trade relations on the Internet, namely, in such direction as cryptocurrency networks. This topic is very interesting and it affects a lot of people connected with the world of cryptocurrency. Since the market for crypto assets every day has an increasingly tendency to rapid development, and more and more attracts new users. This means a large load, there may be problems, unloading, which are associated with the security of trade in finance on the Internet, which creates risks for the implementation of this type of occupation. So sometimes it is hard to find even a platform on which these actions can be performed, without already saying that the maximum level of security for users will be reached there. Because ,

Friends on the Internet, I met one interesting project that interested me and I think you will show interest in it too, a project that deals with this area, and we will talk about it today.

This project is called AIDUS. We will consider it in more detail all the advantages that it offers to its users.

AIDUS - as we see this project is the very stock platform on which users will be able to carry out their trading, as well as they will have full access to the management and functionality of the platform, which makes it possible to work with their assets conveniently and easily. The project operates on the ethereum network, which is of interest to people working with altcoins. This network is quite young, but it has already managed to recommend itself on the positive side and arouse interest in people working in cryptomir. Also, the main feature is that users will be able to perform all their actions using such things as smart contracts, and all data will be reliably recorded in the blockchain, which will bring into this area the possibility of making safe transactions on certain conditions that will spelled out in a smart contract as well as everything will be irrevocably stored in blocks and will be visible. Without the possibility of deletion or modification.

This project was developed not one year. It was based on the work and development of the company and the team over the fifteen years of its existence. And only recently, as soon as everything was done and implemented, the team was able to present this idea and project to the world.

The team also drew attention to the problem of security of the modern market and made a bias towards the development of protection and security of sales and the possibility of implementing safe transactions. This is realized through a reliable system and technologies chosen as the basis. Also, a lot of important accuracy of making payments and the speed of their processing. All this is also implemented in this platform.

Partners :

Now we will consider the project

Sales will take place from the first of October 2018 and end on the thirty-first of January 2019.

- Token Name - AIDUS

- Token symbol - AID

- The total volume of the issue - 20 000 000 000 AID

- Scale of sales of tokens - 2,000,000,000 AID

- Hard Cap - $ 100,000,000

- Soft cover - $ 10,000,000

- Price - 1 AID = USD 0.06

- Coin for sale - ETH

Friends, the project is quite interesting, you can see that the team is strong and ready to work on your project and develop it. You can also ask questions in social networks and you will be answered.

Additional information can be found here:

Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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