Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Storichain - DApp and Agreement Protocol for Story Industry Value Chain


Storichain is a global project that provides partially distributed dApp and sharing protocols to the story industry to solve the problems of the story industry through the characteristics of the block industry. 'Story Industry' refers to the field where movies, dramas, web novels, web dramas, drama, music, radio drama, etc. are used as sources of 'story'. 

However, despite the rapid growth of the market, there is still a lot of work to be done by the industry. One of the biggest problems is that story assets (story sources, scripts, novels, webtoons, scenarios, etc.) that are the foundation of all industries are traded only on the offline platform due to the theft problem.

Currently, almost all transactions are done offline among people who trust each other. In this case, Storichain can be viewed as a digital story asset management system that enables online transactions with untrusted people through an "anti-theft" agreement.

Another issue in the industry is related to "profit sharing." For example, one of the largest storytelling industries in Korea, the WebTone industry, has exceeded $ 700 million, but there are still many who question the industry's profit-sharing structure and many content creators are still unacceptable. Enough reward. 

In regions where production costs are relatively high, such as in the film / drama industry, production companies that are considered early-stage distribution brokers and investors rarely have to take full risk of future risks. . This is because the nature of the industry does not guarantee that the quality of the story will directly lead to appropriate market demand. 

The role of the artist in the story industry is as important as the role of the artist and producer. If the reader reads the story and enjoys it, there is no added value at all. However, if you share your feelings and experiences with others, it can lead to a storyline network effect and can be seen as the actual action that contributes to the story. In other activities, you can write a review and tell your story, and the author can be considered a contributing act. 

Until now, the contributions of readers have been regarded as an important foundation of the story industry. However, the industry can not collect reliable data to supplement readers who have contributed to the content creation process. 

Storichain therefore begins to lower the trust cost between story writer-maker, producer and reader by creating a value base of the token in story generation. By doing so, we will create a process that makes derivative work of the source story more transparent, resolves the inequities in the industry and creates new value.

The Storichain project will show you how to use specific block-chain characteristics to solve the story industry problems and which value-added during the process. 

Generating trusts that have anti-theft and notarization effects Contracts and tokens are used to hold trust marks when creating smart contacts. Tokens are the vouchers used in the cultural and artistic areas related to the story. 'Story' is the type of story that connects our temporal experience based on causality. By way of the UI, Storichain can look like a regular SNS that the public can easily use. 

In Storichain, however, individual user experiences can be picked by professional writers and re-created as "stories" in a systematic narrative. The original source story is stored on the central server, but credit data proving that the individual has contributed to the work is stored regularly within the block chain, so it can be used as evidence for plagiarism-related disputes. 

Based on this story, when you combine other aspects like drawings, video, broadcasts, and music in collaboration with other creators, Storichain can track each creator's contribution and easily split future profits. As a result, when a single story creates additional value by being transformed into other forms of work, such as web posts, web novels, webtoons, drama, movie scripts, music scripts and game scenarios, all participants in the story are rewarded based on their contributions. 

In addition, when performing derivative works based on source story IP, Storichain tracks the distribution path and efficiently manages it to benefit the author / reader / producer. In a broader scope, Storichain's goal is to secure story IPs and contribute to the cultural industry as much as possible, by storing them in a block chain with provable forms of data, without tampering with or manipulating story IPs, which were considered human intangible assets.

Cryptocurrency is not yet well used in the cultural and arts world. Storichain will work with experts in the cultural field to work together to become a global best practice by working together to find new ways to achieve innovation.

Token supply: 4,000,000,000 
Block Chain Platform: Ethereum Office Address: 06040 501, 35 Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul.

Information token

Ticker: TORI 
Token Price (USD): 1 TORI = 0.0034 USD
Allowed currencies: ETH, BTC, USDT 

Deployment token:

13% - Team / Consultant 
11% - Company 
7% - Marketing / Partner 
15% - reservation 
15% - Eco Pool 
5% - Air Drop 
34% - Sale 

Storichain IEO roadmap

The information that provides information is as follows:

Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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