Friday, July 19, 2019

Introducing Space.Cloud.Unit SCU - market for cloud storage on the blockchain

We live in the age of information technology. Today information is one of the most valuable resources in the world. Nathan Mayer Rothschild two centuries ago said "who owns the information - he owns the world". Now this quote is very relevant. All people, businesses, organizations need reliable protection of their data, so now the demand for various cloud storage has grown very much. There are a large number of cloud services, but more than half of the market is occupied by large giants like Google and Microsoft.

Cloud storage has both advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantages are:

● high cost of cloud storage services due to the impact on the price of large companies;
● lack of capability with the use of disposing of free gigabytes of memory;
● most of the cloud storage is centralized, so it is an important target for hackers;
● high risk of hacking and data leakage;
● problems associated with the use of cloud storage, which form a negative impression of the technology as a whole.

To solve all the problems listed above, the creators of cloud storage Powerfolder, developed the project "Space.Cloud.Unit".

Space.Cloud.Unit is a decentralized, secure and transparent platform that works using blockchain technology. The project implements the blockchain in the usual centralized storage. Thanks to this approach, all data will be under reliable protection, and data transfer will be carried out at high speed. The developers intend to adapt the storage to the needs of each user. A special modular system will be available for this purpose.

The use of blockchain technology in cloud storage will improve the conditions of use of the system and provide a high level of security, reliability and transparency of all operations. It is also important to note that the developers will offer individual settings that can meet the needs of any user. The use of a smart contract will ensure reliable operation of the entire system and transparency of all transactions.

The project has a large number of advantages for all parties involved in the cloud storage market.

Key benefits for users:
● transparent pricing education, which is that a person only pays for the gigabytes used;
● simple and intuitive interface that offers a large set of features;
● ability to adapt the cloud to your requirements;
● when you register to the cloud, everyone will get the opportunity to use the additional authorization profile;
● guarantee that all further data saving will be done automatically;
● loyal terms of cooperation, which is that there is no long-term commitment.

Key benefits for investors:
● improve the quality of storage and data transfer that will allow you to helicity sales;
● the opportunity to become part of a fast-growing community and get a young team of cloud storage specialists.

Key benefits for providers:
● opportunity to reduce the cost of advertising for distribution contracts;
● the automated system will reduce the cost of information processing.

Key benefits for auditors:
● the possibility of additional income;
● ability to create backups.

The internal platform token is called SCU. A total of 150 million tokens will be issued. The price of one coin is 0.2 euro. The developers intend to collect a hardcap in the amount of 15.6 million euros.

I believe the project Space.Cloud.Unit will be able to attract a large audience, because it gives its users a lot of advantages when storing data in the cloud. The project will be useful for ordinary users, investors, providers, auditors and other parties that are related to cloud storage. Data storage is really a topical issue. The project deserves the attention of investors, because it creates a popular product and has a strong team of developers.

More information you can find on these links:

Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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