Thursday, March 21, 2019

BOLTTCOIN - motivation to improve social health that utilizes mobile application technology

Physical exercise or activity plays an important role in maintaining health. Despite everyone's awareness of this fact, maintaining the level of physical activity required requires more than just a wish. In fact, most people lack the motivation to achieve health.

Of course, there are many solutions, such as health care, gyms, devices, sensors should be motivated by people and others. Physical activity causes 1 to 10 people worldwide to die: but none of them are still enough to achieve the desired level of physical health, see terrible statistics!

People need motivation to move and be healthy!

There are many solutions including health applications, services, health clubs, memberships, equipment, but none of them are motivated enough to reach their fitness goals in the world for the 7B population.

Bolt is a mission to encourage people to be more motivated, more active and healthy lifestyles to survive. Boltt takes advantage of a variety of technical opportunities to help those who practice an aggressive lifestyle for health, culture and well-being.

The biggest problem is that the bolt broke was that a lack of motivation to improve their health, and many people improve their health was the main cause of most health problems.

Other Resolved Issues:

In reference leading cause a reaction to Bolte part of effective market failures and weaknesses modern ecological health:
  • Participation of company employees
  • Customer interaction and customer loyalty
  • Lack of insurance company loyalty and participation
  • The need for a seamless mobile healthcare system
  • Interaction with service providers and customer loyalty
Participation, Gamification & Loyalty are three key axes for all brands, companies and businesses. There is no single platform that provides three key elements for both businesses and customers.
Bolett will address this issue and present the world's first social platform gamification .

What is BoltCoin?

Founded in 2015, Boltt is a provider of integrated technology solutions that uses blockers and health devices to enhance your health by providing token incentives later. Today, Boltt is recognized as one of the leading companies in the field of cellular health technology that leverages technology and applications to improve health .

Boltt must be motivated to acquire his physical activity in a unique way, creating a gasification platform for the health of the community and all surrounding ecosystems; Boltt is taking the BoltCoins action to compensate and achieving his health goals; Boltt introduces a social interface that makes physical activity fun and exciting for the user. This motivates people and promotes lifelong behavioral change, ultimately achieving health and fitness goals. In addition, rates and social aspects use the hopes of those who are tied to status and benefits.

Initially, Boltt develops a mobile application for a range of fitness functions that can be used, including sophisticated sensors that include health, sleep, health and fitness, smart fitness trackers and nutrition, fitness and activity through people's activities.
Later Boltt the launch platform Boltt known and began to study the research and development of social platforms for health and fitness gasket. Boltt uses health- based AI training with the game's exciting challenges.

Why BoltCoin?

"Deepening Social Infrastructure for Health"

The platform of Boltt- the main components: consists of the following major components that constitute a complete ecosystem:

1. Boltt health gift machine:
Allows production / washing of BoltCoins through personal measures and services .

2. Community Problems and Health
You can create sponsors, celebrities, and company phones, tournaments, and games to present your products to attendees. You can also create a platform Boltt and compensation from the link of the merchant loyalty program or software BoltToins type of partner network provides .

3. Decentralization Market Volt: Achieve multiple goals. This can be done at the same time as you can open a number of other uses, including, among other things, the listing's products and benefits for the sale and payment of bills for services, insurance programs, recreation program reservations, offline stores and other services. 

4. Health identification and identificationtn manageme
Provide digital identification for each individual user. This is a single-state identifier for Blockchain that provides a higher level of security and is available as confidentiality if necessary.

5. Wallet:
All financial services in the Boltt ecosystem are available . It includes many features such as recharging money and withdrawing cash, maintaining Fiat or Kryptwährung, distributing a few options for remittance, payment of accounts and exchanges.

Target group
Boltt recommends a variety of applications to a variety of personal and commercial targets, from promoting personal health to promoting corporate products and services.

All about Boltscoin

Basically BoltCoin program under the three basic operations that describe the mechanism works .

Boltt records individual medical records, markets, exchanges and Wallet transactions using block-chain technology based on the double-block chain protocol. He also develops cellular applications, business logic, and add-on managers that provide speed, security, and mass deployment using a variety of different technologies. It also provides APIs for other systems and functions that can easily interact with Boltt's ecosystem.

BoltCoin is one of the first encryption tokens to be released simultaneously on the Waves and Ethereum platforms. The Boltt token is a cool new technology made up of Smart Etiquette web interface, a wallet smart exchange that dynamically exchanges chains for other blocks of end users.

Revenue model
There are many sources of income in the Bolta ecosystem . This follows a subscription model for end users with a nominal monthly subscription fee. Corporations and other parties involved in social and gambling activities charge maintenance fees. Commissions are also based on market transaction costs. The platform is also open to advertising and sponsored content and uses a revenue model for 1,000 impressions.

Token sales
Boltt plans to raise $ 50 million to commercialize, develop and implement the Boltt platform. The total token is $ 1 billion and 50% of those who offer to sell the crowd at $ 0.1 per token.
Bolt ecosystem

This Boltt system has a true partnership with retailers, retailers, companies, service providers, insurance companies and other companies that use a highly mobile gaming platform. The platform uses Blockchain and Bookger technology to improve interaction and loyalty through improved health.

Competitive advantage

Provide global motivation for health promotion

Global Troubleshooting
Worldwide physical activity ranges from 30% to 70%, avoiding the deaths of 5.3 million people every year unless everyone is actively involved!

Large applications and large queries
The solution is used for a variety of purposes such as retail, retail, insurance, health and fitness services. This community is a unique platform that is viral in the community.

Futures market of US dollar trillions of dollars
Market cross between medical, retail, e-commerce, payment and cell fidelity.

Experienced and powerful partner team
Boltt's team consists of industry and business veterans. The Advisory Committee is made up of well-known experts in block chaining and decryption.

How it Works

Architecture platform

BoltCoin Business Model

The biggest difference is the BoltCoin competition is positive , the business model, as well as appreciation of the value based on the value of the cash movements generated by the operating platform. Every game on the platform uses a cryptocurrency called the BoltCoin economy ( BoltCoin (BOLTT), which is also a key element for the BoltCoin economy ) . To participate in the InHouse stage based on game revenue, users are required to pay a monthly subscription (Fiat or BoltCoins).

The game is played in 4 stages and the win can be 3-4 times the number of super active players. Assuming that a small number of users can continue to support excessive activity, we expect a positive net cash flow. To accept calls or bets, the platform charges a normal 5% service charge. Download is common to the winner after having this card.

This model is based in part on the Metcalf law, which indicates that the larger the user network, the greater the value of the network. The same applies to the Boltt Coin platform. The number of players looking to play games and games is on the rise. In other words, vault token values ​​are not only limited but also increasing in demand.


Details on Crowdsale

Dictionary ICO
  • Before ICO start: 2018-05-20
  • ICO end date: 2018-07-20
  • Advanced ICO Hardcover: 9,000 ETH
  • ICO (BOLTT) Price: 0,00025ETH
  • Maximum Coin Input: 36 million BOLTT
  • All tokens are not sold before ICO and ICO start
  • It is automatically burned.
  • Start date ICO: 2018-08-01
  • ICO end date: 2018-08-31
  • ICO soft cap: 5000 ETH
  • Hardcover ICO: 16 000 ETH
  • Price (Volt): 0.00025
  • Maximum token supply: 64 million volts
  • ICO will continue until the company trademark or ICO end date is reached. The token bolt will be sent as soon as his contribution is confirmed in the block chain.
Token allocation

Distribution of funds



For more information on BolttCoin, please click on the following link:
ANN Subject:
Technical article:

Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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