Monday, February 18, 2019

NUPAY - Crypto All-in-One Payment Platform



NUPay is A Crypto Payment Method that No One Has Ever Experienced Meet NUPay, A New Crypto-Payment Platform.

Connects Crypto and various points or vouchers with the real economy Collect TPCT Token through all-in-one payment platform, NUPay.

Vision & Mission

In the belief that cryptocurrencies will soon become the norm as a payment tool or “money,” numerous startups and companies are preparing to launch cryptocurrency-related services and technologies.

In response to the problems that have arisen in current centralized finance systems and services, blockchain technology has raised awareness of the notion of decentralization.

Decentralization through blockchain technology has been proven possible because the system keeps a record of all transactions, minimizing verification procedures and the potential for errors and hacks.

TPCT, NUPay’s brand token, functions as a medium of exchange and a store of value that can be spent and collected, credited, or accumulated through the NUPay Payment System. The NUPay system, spanning both on- and offline markets, will allow the use of TPCT tokens and other major crypto coins, along with reward points and vouchers. Promoting everyday payment in cryptocurrencies, increased TPCT’s utility and practicality will enable its function not only as a means of payment but also as a valuable asset.

Upon the completion of the NUPay platform, our team will launch our services to consumers and merchants, with the ultimate goal to create an environment in which numerous partners co-exist and in which NUPay maintains its position as a blockchain-based project that encompasses both the on and offline realms.

Core Elements

NUPay’s goal is to activate the NUPay crypto payment platform by connecting users and merchants. Comprehensive payment services provided by the NUPay protocol include features of blockchain technology. NUPay will begin by launching NUPay, our all-in-one payment platform, in Korea at an early stage and subsequently expanding to other parts of the world, eventually leading to the creation of a blockchain ecosystem that enables a global on- and offline payment system.

Element (1) – NUPay Payment Platform

NUPay, a simple payment platform, is a payment service through which users can use not only cryptocurrencies but also vouchers and reward points.

Element (2) – Merchants Through NUPay Network, merchants can benefit from interaction with consumers.

Element (3) – User

NUPay users instantly receive the value of 2% of each purchase in the form of TPCT tokens. The same 2% rule also applies when other compatible means of payment (reward points and vouchers) are used.

Element (4) - NUPay Blockchain

NUPay Blockchain being the basis of NUPay, users, and merchants allots and stores all payment-related history such as account balances, transaction details, and payment addresses in a master node.

Element (5) – NUPay Scan

NUPay Scan is a component that checks transactions between NUPay Blockchains. Every verified transaction, cryptocurrency holder’s wallet, and smart contract can be searched.

NUPay Scan functions similarly to BTC’s BlockCypher or ETC’s Etherscan. Millions of transactions occur per hour when NUPay Blockchain is linked to the current payment system. NUPay Scan precisely monitors these transactions, indexes necessary information, and quickly extracts mass data when needed.

TPCT Token Economy

The TPCT Token can be used to purchase goods or services. The most significant element in the utility token is a usability. However, there exists a major barrier with the usability of cryptocurrencies in the current world.

As mentioned above, numerous crypto-payment-related projects showed difficulties in finding business partners and establishing a stable systematic connection with the existing payment infrastructure — this makes the utility tokens of crypto-payment-related projects to face a barrier with their usability.

Token Issuance

To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:

Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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