Sunday, February 10, 2019

CURES - creates a more transparent and reliable health care system that is effective

Human health is one of the most important global aspects. It is being addressed by many agencies, including the UN, the world Bank, and, of course, the world health organization. Thanks to such cooperation, humanity has in recent years been able to find ways to treat and prevent a number of dangerous diseases, such as tuberculosis, malaria, smallpox and others.

Despite this, the modern medical system is far from perfect and has a number of shortcomings that have a negative impact on human health, including:
  • limited access to health services due to bureaucracy, poor health insurance and hospital distances;
  • low quality of operation of payment systems, what patient payments may be delayed or rejected;
  • high cost of access to quality health care;
  • centralization of the medical system causing problems in accessing medical data;
  • fraud;
  • the lack of an honest system of reviews of medical institutions, which often misleads patients;
  • the absence of a reputation system for physicians.
The solution to all these problems will be a new medical platform created on the basis of Blockchain technology, called CURES.

Project objective

The main goal of the CURES project developers is to fully decentralize the health care system and create a more transparent and reliable system that allows more effective decisions to be made regarding the treatment of clients and the choice of specialists.

Principle of operation

The work of the platform will be provided by the following 6 functional elements:
  • HAPP store;
  • electronic medical record;
  • platform for the provision of health;
  • marketplace and rating system;
  • trading platform;
  • charitable foundation.
Consider each of the above elements in more detail.

HAPP store will be presented in the form of a special app store, contributing to the improvement of human health. There will be a lot of programs that will work on smartphones and PCs. This store will host both the project's own applications and software created by third-party developers. Each application will be sold using the internal token of the platform. The first application launched within the framework of the platform will be the vision program for color blind, which has the approval of a number of medical institutions.

The second component of the project will be electronic medical records controlled directly by patients. Thanks to this format of records, patients will be able to receive consultations online. It is important to note that a person can consult several specialists at the same time, which will allow to establish a diagnosis more accurately on the basis of expert opinions. Moreover, the records can become a source of income for the patient, as he will be able to sell personal data to various medical laboratories and institutions.

No less important is the platform for health care, which will allow to conclude smart contracts between patients and health care professionals. Smart contracts will fully ensure the interests of both parties and improve the health system. It is important to note that these contracts can be concluded both at the current time and for work that will be performed in the future. Thus, it will be possible to completely eliminate the formation of queues.

Another component is the marketplace combined with the rating system. This element of the system will be used to find the necessary specialist, conclude an agreement with him and make an appropriate assessment. Thus, patients will be able to choose only the best doctors. It is important to note that the assessment will be issued only after the completion of the smart contract, which will provide an honest rating to each of the specialists.

The trading platform launched within the framework of the CURES project will be presented as a sales channel for medical equipment. Here, suppliers of specialized equipment will be able to offer their products to both medical institutions and patients directly, excluding intermediaries, which will provide lower prices and favorable conditions.

The charity Fund will be used by the platform to provide medical care in the poor regions. This Fund will be formed at the expense of the platform's income (in the amount of 5 percent of the total income), as well as through voluntary donations.

The main means of payment for the platform will be CURES tokens, which can be purchased during public sales.

ITO dates and details

The developers have released 500 million coins, of which 175 million will be sold during private and public sales. Public sales will be held from March 1 to April 30 this year. The cost of the 1st CURES in this period will be 0.001 ETH.

The hardcap of the project is 175 thousand ETH, the softcap will be determined after the completion of the token sale.

The distribution of tokens is as follows:


The CURES platform is able to become one of the best solutions in the field of health care by providing maximum convenience to patients and the most favorable conditions for employees of medical institutions and suppliers of medical equipment. This platform will also be of interest to the ministries of health of many countries. Therefore, investing in its development at an early stage can be very profitable for investors.

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