GYM Ledger - a fitness band that is able to store your cryptocurrency safely - ICO Project



Saturday, October 6, 2018

GYM Ledger - a fitness band that is able to store your cryptocurrency safely


About GYM Ledger

What's better than a fitness band? A fitness band capable of securely store your cryptocurrency! The GYM Ledger initial coin offering is funding the GYM Ledger fitness bracelet. The GYM Ledger will be capable of working with the GYM Reward's App for minting many different tokens with its heart rate monitor and POE (proof of exercise) capabilities while also serving as a multicurrency hardware wallet.

Innovative mobile app that allows you to mine GYM cryptocurrencies with your body. Get Ready to exercise! The GYM Rewards app requires you to exercise to earn your cryptocurrency. The GYM Ledger uses it's heart rate monitor and calories tracking for mining GYM Rewards and a varieaty of supported Tokens.


GYM Ledger will have his own token named LGR, it will be ERC20 type and it will worck on ethereum platform.
  • PreICO price: 1 LGR = 0.0014 ETH
  • Price in ICO: 1 LGR = 0.002 ETH
  • October 1 - October 15: 30%
  • October 16 - October 31: 25%
  • November 1 - December 31: 0%
  • Tokens for sale: 20,000,000

Q1 2018: Concept

Concept Generation;
Team Assemble.

Q2 2018: Research

Proof of concept;
Strategic Plan;
White paper completion.

Q3 2018: Design

Platform design and technical demonstration;
ICO Press Tour.

Q4 2018: Pre-Sale

Private financing & Seed funding raised;
Public financing & Seed funding raised.

Q1 2019: Hardware Alpha Test

Public financing & Seed funding raised.

Q2 2019: Hardware Beta Test

Private closed beta;
Open beta launched to public and improvement plan.

Q3 2019: Additional Cryptocurrencies

Additional Cryptocurrencies added to the Hardware Wallet;
Additional Tokens added to App mining.

Q4 2019: Community Benefits

Establishing global user base;
USA start retailer selection.

Q1 2020: Hardware things 

Integration of third party controllers;
Marketplace cooperative module.

Q2 2020: More Operational

Integration with Private Chains, More Coin in Wallet;
New services offered by members or business.

Team & Advisor

You can find all the details about this project, the sale of chips, the team and the steps they will take in a more elaborate form and with more technical details at the addresses listed below:

Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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