ServCoins are utility tokens that will become the currency that enables retailers and service providers to utilize this powerful blockchain distributed platform to influence and reward consumers to make smarter choices.
ServAdvisor is a marketing and consumer engagement platform that enables participating brands to incentivize consumers who check their info via App. This becomes a sustainable mechanism for retailers\ service providers to maintain customer loyalty, to provide rich product and promotional information to influence purchase decisions right at the time when the user is actually standing at the door.
Consular life from local tourists
An innovative approach that utilizes technology and provides direct connectivity between retailers, service providers, Dan users. ADS ServAdvisor at the Frontline of the Revolving Revolution, enhancing customer experience by tracking AR (Augmented Reality), (Artificial Intelligence) AI, contributing to the review of the new Platform. It is also possible that a review for the review has a hearted delegation of orangutans who are interested in the delegation to the delegation of delegation delegation to the delegation delegation. As a motivated user, you can write to achieve immediate taxable income, greatly increasing the overall duration of the unique range. At the same hour, most reach their positive traveling. The standard that discusses is that livelihood,satisfaction that flows the heart reaches within the popular fence (such as inviting participation, tripadvisor, google, screams, etc.). Dissatisfaction is the only help to reach the bedroom extension. At the same time, service concerts cannot motivate them toissued privately. Close pessary, Close pessary, Close pessary, Close pessary, Close pessary, Close pessary, Our mission Is changing train. Servador's goal of reviewing creating real-time SERVICES That Continues To Rolling And Fighting platforms around the World ABOUT RECOMMENDED INFORMATION A RELIABLE, ACCURATE, AND RELIABLE PROVIDER. ServAdvisor also aims at reviews for reviewing the database that is the habits and preferences of service customers that can provide unique recommendations that are tailored to review each user operating individually.Looking for high-quality Google Article information based on AI-based recommendations and blocking links, ServAdvisor will become the new standard for reviewing the information discovery platform with intelligent and reliable. The Platform Is ServAdvisor Marketing And CONSUMER engagements where participating Brands CAN encourage CONSUMER reviews for reviews Seeing things about their information through the application. Singer is a sustainable mechanism where retailers and service providers can retain customers and information provides rich products and promotions that can affect their purchasing decisions when they are actually at the door. ServCoins is a sign of utility that will allow retailers and PROVIDER SERVICES review reviews for reviews that utilize a distributed platform that is STRONG.Singer reviews affect the review and reward shown shown shown to CONSUMERS to review smart choices. Husband will ProgramPROVIDER Becoming a retailer \ maintaining customer loyalty AND SECURITIES MECHANISM where User Can Really provide Wealth Products and information Promotions That Can Affect Purchase Decision when Standing in Front Door. ServCoins is a sign of utility that will allow retailers and PROVIDER SERVICES review reviews for reviews that utilize a distributed platform that is STRONG. Singer reviews affect the review and reward shown shown shown to CONSUMERS to review smart choices. Singer is a sustainable mechanism where retailers and service providers can retain customers and information provides rich products and promotions that can affect their purchasing decisions when they are actually at the door.ServCoins is a sign of utility that will allow retailers and PROVIDER SERVICES review reviews for reviews that utilize a distributed platform that is STRONG. Singer reviews affect the review and reward shown shown shown to CONSUMERS to review smart choices. Singer is a sustainable mechanism where retailers and service providers can retain customers and information provides rich products and promotions that can affect their purchasing decisions when they are actually at the door. ServCoins is a sign of utility that will allow retailers and PROVIDER SERVICES a review review for reviews utilizing that platform STRONG DISTRIBUTED DISTRIBUTORS Singers review influences for reviews and rewards shown shown shown to CONSUMERS to review MAKING MORE CHOICE.Singer is a sustainable mechanism where retailers and service providers can retain customers and information provides rich products and promotions that can affect their purchasing decisions when they are actually at the door.
About ServAdvisor?
Servador is a platform that is the first distributed language in the world based on unique customer-specific preferences. Servador uses Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Smart Contracts, From Original Tokens to create an innovative token economy that is connected to one ecosystem.
Delegation of the United States Secretary to the United States delegation is a delegation of United States delegation to the United States on behalf of the United States. As a motivated user, you CAN write achieving taxable income, vary greatly. At the same hour, most achieve it's positive. Standards Discussed Is that livelihood, Passionate Satisfaction reached in the Popular arena (such as inviting participation, tripadvisor, google, screams, etc.). Dissatisfaction is the only help to reach the bedroom extension. At the same time, service concerts that cannot motivate them to issue personally. Akyub, the truth is that the scores of the score are raised. Our Misaki is changing that train.
Servador's goal for review creates real-time SERVICES The Continuous Revolving And Fighting Platforms Around The World ABOUT Recomendation Information PROVIDER Reliable, Accurate, And Useful.
Servador also aims to build a custom database of customer preference customers that can provide unique benefits. With high-quality information based on AI connecting block recommendations, ServAdvisor becomes a new standard platform platform. Added with intelligent and reliable information
Servador App tribute from the following main components:
Augmented reality
Artificial intelligence to optimize the user experience
Consumer Incentive Service Reviews
Guards / providers while promoting
Mod shares the word sandwich Wi-Fi
Multilingual benefits
Tap to scan
Available ServAdvisor Professional Administration
Using Innovative Innovative Resources And Providing Direct Connectivity through Retailers, PROVIDER SERVICES, Users
ServAdvisor is at the forefront of the revolution that brings customers to a new level with the combination of Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms reaching Shifting customers.
ServAdvisor Rank (Harmful): TBA 3.6 / 5 Not rated 5.0 / 5 6.0 / 10 5.6 / 10
Our Rank
3.6Rating problems: 2018-06-25
ICO ServAdvisor Details [Before sale]
Category: Trade and Retail, Platforms and State Ecosystems: ICO Germany Date: 2018/11/12 / 2018/12/12 End: 141 Days website: Website Shortcut Program: Bounty Token Symbol: Token SRV Platform: Soft Ethereum Cap: Hard cap: 30.000 ETH

Total tokens supply
2 000 000 000 SRV
Available for Crowdsale
1 690 000 000 SRV (84,5%)
Token Presale begins
10 September 2018 00:00 CET
Token Presale ends
10 October 2018 23:59 CET
Tokens Presale special price
1 ETH = 65 000 SRV
+30% Bonus used for Prelase
Token Crowdsale begins
12 November 2018 00:00 CET
Token Crowdsale ends
12 December 2018 23:59 CET
Tokens Crowdsale special price
(see WP for details)
Sale stage 1: 3 000 – 10 000 ETH: 1ETH = 60 000 SRV / 20% bonus
Sale Stage 2: 10 000 –20 000 ETH: 1ETH = 57 500 SRV / 15% bonus
Sale Stage 3: 20 000–30 000 ETH: 1ETH = 50 000 SRV / 0% bonus
Acceptable currencies
Minimal transaction amount
0.1 ETH



Username : Ozie94
ETH: 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576
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