Catena - Efficient Trading Platform - ICO Project



Sunday, September 23, 2018

Catena - Efficient Trading Platform


A revolutionary decentralized trading platform

Catena Decentralized Trading Platform


To be the largest trusted platform for global and domestic trades, and the first choice for all business transaction across the globe.


Empowering every business with a strong platform and powerful tools fo r growing their market reach and secure their business activities, while opening the door to limitless opportunities for small and medium enterprises, through transparency of market parameters and low entry barriers to compete, enabling a growing and prosp erous trade economy.

The Project:

Catena tends to apply revolutionary technologies and algorithms utilizing the blockchain technology, in order to build a robust platform that would disrupt and ultimately change how the trade economy performs.

Catena is a decentralized trading platform and exchange built mainly on the Blockchain technology and introducing new algorithms and AI protocols to boost the trade economy.

Catena Decentralization and Technology

Catena Architecture:

The Order Matching AI built solely for Catena decentralized platform empowers the ETP (efficient trading Platform) with a significant increase in the number of successful transactions, if a customer is looking or a seller/buyer and depends solely on search engine keywords and matching it, then the efficiency of such platform decreases drastically, while adding to this all other barriers, trading becomes a real challenge even in a global connected world right now.

Catena order matching AI and the ETP provides a resilient solution for a fast growing trading economy, it assures the entrance of new market makers/traders and secures the business opportunities for all participants in a business transaction.

Efficient trading Platform (ETP)

ETP (Efficient Trade Platform) is developed to harness the blockchain technology benefits to serve the global trade growth and overcome its main challenges, ETP is a platform that can govern every aspect of a trade between buyer and seller from matching the order up-to executing it and securing all the parameters related to it, the platform comes from a hands on experience of the developing team, to provide smooth yet powerful trade platform that can cater to different products a n d services from cryptocurrency, digital assets , to commodities , and global trading.

ETP features include:
  • Impossibility of counterfeit
  • Disintermediation and ease of transfer
  • Transparency and ease of auditing
  • Fast and resilient way of matching buy er and seller orders
  • Decentralization
  • Efficient order execution with alignment to smart contract
  • All in one smart contract engaging all parties related to a trade
ETP is a set of smart contracts that understands the requirements for each trade as set by t he buyer/seller and matches them in accordance, it opens the opportunity of having different buyers and sellers on the same order/contract, as it can match a seller order of a big MOQ (minimum order quantity) with multiple buyers and solve different supply chain parameters based on the pre-registered requirements, engaging different delivery options, if required, to build one single executable contract that can bring this trade to success.

The users or the clients don’t need any coding experience, yet it is just an interface to choose and allocate certain requirements of a deal, and Catena will do the rest.

The possibility of matching different buyers and sellers, in a single contract, creates a robust economy and eliminates many barriers and boundaries with limitations on quantities, delivery time, shipping instructions, and also empowers small traders, market makers, and service providers to have a resilient business transaction.

Having a wide spread platform that enables assets digitization, will help increase the trade of different assets across the globe, so you can own a property in China while you have never been there, and also trade in it even by small portion of the main value, while all this can be traced and audited through ETP, this will increase the trading/investing activity on the exchange and lay the foundation for an advanced trading economy, where anyone can become an buyer/seller or a trader.

Catena Order Matching AI (COMAI)

The Order Matching AI executes a strategic algorithm using mathematical modeling of the game theory in order to allocate the best routes on the exchange, to perform the ideal business transaction, this is not a typical search engine for buyers and sellers to find each other rather than a scientifically rooted guidance for all parties in a business deal to find the optimum solution for a win -win situation looking for a repeated business in the future.

Catena order matching AI (COMAI) applies for trading any product, from cryptocurrencies to commodities like cotton, oil, or gold, same algorithms applies finding better deals and opportunities for our clients, this is a revolutionary technology that would put Catena ahead of all exchanges and trading platforms, where traders would use Catena primarily to find the ultimate deal and the most smooth transaction.

Given a complicated real-life problem, analysis begins by simplifying the problem to the bare essentials:

a) Propose axioms and principles
b) Reduce the dimensionality (n -player to 2-player)
c) Reduce the available strategies

Where the following rules for matches yield rational, stable, and predictable behaviors and outcomes:
  • Rule (1): All players are supposed to pursue the maximum gains on the basis of the same predefined payoff table.
  • Rule (2): Whenever the first player initiates a move in a specific set of matches, the remaining moves (actions) of all players in the set of matches are determined according to Rule (a).
  • Rule (3): Each match preset in the payoff table may only be used once in the set of matches.

Market Business Cases Examples

Business Case: Goods and products trading using Catena
A farmer is to sell his apple crops, facing a lot of issues with distributors, wholesalers, and retailers, to reach his final customer, issues like the quantities, payment terms, delivery schedule, registration…etc., and on top he also has to explore the delivery options to be matched with his orders, below is a diagram that shows how this can be solved on Catena Exchange using ETP and COMAI.

Business Case: Multiple buyers and one Digital Asset

A buyer wants to purchase a real estate in Canada while he lives in China, and a seller wants to sell his property in Canada, they both enter into an agreement through the matching on Catena exchange based on their valuation and terms, multiple buyers can own the same property together as long as they have a request on the exchange to invest in properties, this increases the opportunity for small buyers to have more options in their portfolio, law firms can then put their offer to legalize this deal and finalize it according to contract terms insuring all parties a re satisfied, buyers then have the option to trade this property tokens on Catena as the property in now digitized on Catena with a known contract, also a realtor can offer a buy/sell option for it (whole property or parts of it) at any time, which makes t he tradability of the property very smooth and ease the market access with increased opportunity.

Business Case: Catena as a trustless platform

A local merchant is looking to bring a set of toys from China; he goes online to find suppliers on different platforms (like Alibaba or made in china), in order for this business transaction to be successful both parties needs to trust each other.

While none of them has done any business together, then they might go to a bank in order to perform as a middle trusted medium for this transaction, but if this transaction is a relatively small deal, it will not worth the bank fees and the hassle for both parti es, and if it’s a big deal then its all about how they both trust the centralized system to hold this transaction.

Catena here serves as the right medium for this transaction to take place from a deal worth 1 dollar to Millions of dollars, Catena is alwa ys the right choice as both parties will be satisfied and safe with their money and products, because of its decentralized structure on the blockchain, this is a diagram that would describe how this transaction takes place on Catena .

Business Case: Catena Decentralized Barter Ecosystem

The main advantage of the COMAI is that it matches buyer and seller on for best opportunities relative to their requirements, yet the best utilization of this technology is that it can create a whole new ecosystem that creates market opportunities between multiple buyers and seller for different products and conditions, hence increasing the volume and the value of the whole system.

For example if Client (A) wants to sell apples, and then use the funds to buy a car, it is sometimes better to connect him with Client (B) who will be selling a car, but in exchange needs the funds to buy media exposure, and a client (C) who wants to buy apples but would in exchange sells meals because it’s a restaurant, and so forth, this is a form of a barter ecosystem, that goes in continuous overlapped loops creating more opportunities and markets along the way.

With a powerful tool like the AI, this market could be expanded enormously, and the fact that all of this is done on a decentralized platform gives the whole system the advantages of being secured and trustless.

Post Token Sale milestones

Crypto Decentralized exchange

Once the token sale is finished we will carryout the soft launch of our decentralized exchange for cryptocurrency and digital assets trading, this will enable us to have a good start for our platform and collect as much feedback as possible from our customers for the next updates and development.
Featuring the ETP and the COMAI to the exchange Adding both features will be a market changer for the exchanges industries, as none of the existing exchanges or trading platforms empowers their customers with such tools , its also important to mention that in this case we will have our advanced trading features like Stop Loss , Take Profit, Stop Loss Limit, Take Profit Limit , Trailing Stop.

The ETP Smart contracts code will be available as an opensource on Github for continuous development and feedback from the community, it will include the set of smart contracts governing any trade or transaction on the platform.

Commodity, products, and services trading

In this milestone Catena will be introducing its true power through the availability of trading commodities, products, and services, one of the main features in this milestone is the digital asset issuance and trading, where anyone can issue a digital asset on Ethereum blockchain or Catena blockchain and be open for trading.

Barter Ecosystem

Bringing more customers and with higher trading and processing volumes on our platform , it will definitely pave the road towards introducing the barter ecosystem, which we believe will change the whole trade economy and how it operates right now. The Barter ecosystem develops by time and by increasing the involvement of more clients and customers, the higher the number of participants the better the s ystem will perform.

Global Expansion

Though Catena platform is not limited to a certain geographical region, it is considered a global platform from the day of the launch, but in this part of our roadmap, we believe that more engagement and trust from potential clients across the globe in different region s and sectors would definitely benefit the whole system, that is why we plan to have an extensive marketing campaign educating more businesses about what we can do and how they will be empowered to increase their operations and revenues.

Token sale

The CATENA token is an ERC20 compatible on the Ethereum blockchain, distributed by Catena during the stages of token sale. The CATENA token is a utility coin that will be essential for the system to function as it acts as the activation key for any smart contract to function, and will be used in all trading transactions empowered by Catena .

For any transaction to take place on Catena Platform, and in order to make this transaction processed, the owners of the transactions pays a fee to Catena which will be a percentage of the total value of the transaction/smart contract, this fee is paid to Catena only in CATENA tokens.

As, we want to facilitate the global and domestic trading, the scope and usage of CATENA token and its wallet puts forward its wide range of utility, so that people can use them on regular basis, everyday.

Catena will issue 250 Million tokens and will not issue anymore in future.

Token Buyers will have the option to receive CATENA token in their token wallet as soon as the token sale is finis hed. Whenever Catena decides to use another blockchain protocol, the issued ERC20 tokens will be accepted to be exchanged 1-to -1.

Token Price and Token sale dates
Token price is set at 0.1 USD/Token, our token sale starting date will be announced on our website and different social media channels . Token Sale cap is allocated at 10 Million USD.
The Token Sale Stages and bonus scheme:

Token Distribution

Allocation of Funds

Catena will be using an escrow service for the control and audit of funds transaction, in addition to the regular internal audits by Catena team, this means that all payments received for CATENA tokens in connection with the CATENA token sale will be held in escrow in a multi -signature wallet. Keys will stay with the Catena core team and internal audit team.
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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