ALLSPORT Reviews - ICO Project



Saturday, September 1, 2018


Dear reader, Just as my usual practice of providing valuable and profitable information on your way, let me quickly give you information about this great innovation known as "AllSporter". Please sit down and relax your nerves as you read. In addition, I encourage you not only to read, but also to take an important step in this great innovation.

AllSporter is a leading decentralized peer-to-peer market where athletes can book training, rent equipment or monetize personal data. Within the AllSporter community, sports fans can find the best coaches at their workplace, subscribe to sports events / trainings, rent sports equipment and monetize their personal data, collected during the training.

Pay less fees

AllSporter is a peer-to-peer application that does not require intermediaries, which means less fees and no restrictions. Decentralization helps AllSporter connect coaches and apprentices at lower cost than the competition and offers greater ease of use for users and increased profitability for coaches and sports car rentals.

Flexible conditions

Eliminating intermediaries eliminates the need to accept the terms and conditions of third parties. Decentralized markets allow you to specify your own terms and give users more opportunities to get the best deal.

AllSporter is a new blockchain company that offers a P2P market to sports fans. On this platform, they can rent equipment and book sports training. The platform was created because the blockchain could allow athletes to share their sports teams and make money while doing it. In addition, it would help people to have instant access to these products at a lower price. The main goal of AllSporter is to create an ecosystem that will create a network of sports enthusiasts by helping each other and allowing their partners to solve problems and create a community.

Sale of AllSporter Tokens

Unfortunately, the company did not disclose much information about the upcoming coin offer (ICO) of AllSporter Coins. We still have no information about the price of the chips or when the sale will take place. 60% of total chips will be sold at the ICO, 17% for equipment (frozen for 2 years), 8% for rewards and advisors and 15% for customer rewards.


Allsporter was founded in 2016 on the basis of a passion for sports and solid market research. There was a big niche in the sports industry compared to the tech site. The training or equipment rental market is still functioning as it was 20 years ago. AllSporter changes the rules of the game and offers a complete offering of sports equipment and training for all sports in a single application / Web. The launch of Allsporter took place in 2017 in Warsaw, Poland, and was very much appreciated by the sports industry. The time has come for global development and subsequent innovation as a chain of blocks.

You will find below our roadmap:

Q4'18 - Development /

scale / growth of the AllSporter platform

in Central and Eastern Europe

Q4'18 - IN-stream version

training platform

Q1'19 - Expansion research


Q2'19 - Introduction of

AllSporter software for event organizers

Q2'19 - Expansion to Asians

market and implementation

large data tools

Q4'19 - Expansion to

the United States of America

Q4'20 - Market expansion

In the whole world

Q1'20 - Expansion to the West

European market and pacifc

Q1'19 - Development of the wallet

and implementation in the allsporter application

and launching the side chain

Integration with the AllSporter application

Cryptocurrency payment option

AllSporter Coin Awards for the winners


AllSporter management team is formed by Michal Polanowski (CEO), Adrian Holota (CTO), Piotr Lodzinski (CMO), Marat Azatjan (COO) and Mateus Pniewski (blockchain expert). The main team working to build the platform is Mat Langoski (director), Michael Majewski (UX / UI designer), Jan Radzikowski (scientific data), Iwona Smieszna (back office operations), Pawel Urbaniak (customer sales) and Wiktor Wiszorowski (researcher). The company also has sales consultants such as Simon Cocking, Jason Hung, Karol SADAJ, Arkadiusz Szczudlo, Ahmad Piraiee, Svein Rasmussen, Agata Mroczkowska, Marek Kirejczyk and Natalia Kirejczyk. Sports advisers are Steve Allen, Connor Baxter, Pawel Hlavaty, Darek Krol and Casper Bouman.

For more information:

Web Application:




Telegram Channel:



Usernmae : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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