Contractium - the main online business company will be supported by blockchain technology - ICO Project



Thursday, August 30, 2018

Contractium - the main online business company will be supported by blockchain technology

The development of technology nowadays provides the ability to change the way business is run and how humans interact with each other with special emphasis on censorship, privacy, security and downtime. Over the years this technology has evolved to include self-executing agreements known as Smart contracts are activated first through the Ethereum Blockchain, undoubtedly the first and biggest network as seen on the blockchain network that enables decentralized application deployment (dApps) and smart contracts.

Contractium believes that in the near future major online business companies will be supported by blockchain technology which in turn creates a global decentralized economic world. Because this is in the process of being realized, Contractium, a decentralized application (dApp) helps even non-technical background users make intelligent contracts with easy, safe in an unbelievable way when they enter contractual obligations with themselves,

We have done our homework well and will target business fields that collect trillions of dollars collectively as the
-Freelance industry : freelancers can now contract easily to work with their employers and vice versa. Employers will in turn pay for the services they receive and get bonuses from freelancers.
-E-Commerce: With Contractium integrated into the E-Commerce site, customers will be able to access the rich features of the Contractium application and withdraw their tokens obtained as a bonus
-Game Online: The growing game industry is also not abandoned.Devs can always use the Platium Contractium as a payment instrument while game players who buy and pay for paid games can always be backed up with CTU tokens instead of traditional games.
-Social Media: Users of this platform can always be rewarded with CTU tokens when using paid or business information from publishers, content creators, and other forms of services that can be obtained from social networks and other relevant institutions in this niche.
-Advertisement: Advertisers can make smart contracts to deal with users or agencies for advertising campaigns. Contractractium fits perfectly with this area with the Contractor Network that facilitates the creation of Smart contracts, payment systems and bonuses
-Social Data: With Contractium, various site users can sell their details to relevant agents who attempt to use this data for various purposes of research or advertising their business, unlike the use of this data in a confidential and unofficial manner by the wrong organization.

Ethereum blockchain technology is based on the Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm and now plans to switch to Proof of Stake (PoS). That's why we made Contractium based on Ethereum with a Proof-of-Contract (PoC) algorithm.

We are happy to announce to our community about the official launch of our iOS mobile application. This is in line with our promise to access our services as a company that is very smooth and easily accessible while providing our users with an exceptional user experience.

The Contractium Network understands how most users access online content and the need to serve users with the latest technologies and innovations and have developed and launched a sleek mobile app both on ANDROID and the iOS platform for our community to start utilizing our services even more easily with a sleek UI and unique.

It should be noted that the Android application was released in May and since then it has gotten enough users to test a sleek UI. Our mobile application is equipped with an Ethereum wallet that is very safe to help users save their digital assets. CLICK / us / app / contractium / id1398683621
In Personal Sales has decided to give BONUS rewards of 65% to reward them for their confidence in the project.

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Username : Ozie94
ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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