Bravo - anonymous peer-to-peer payment and transfer system - ICO Project



Friday, August 17, 2018

Bravo - anonymous peer-to-peer payment and transfer system

When we talk about Blokchan, the first thing that comes to mind is crypto money. And also payment and transfers with the help of them. Today we'll talk specifically about money transfers and the new Bravo translation system. 

Why do we talk so often about this and why are there so many ideas related to the conduct of transactions. And because Blockboy was originally conceived as a technology of transparent, but at the same time anonymous payments and transfers using crypto currency. At the same time it is possible to provide such "buns" as very low commissions (and sometimes their absence) in comparison with traditional methods of transfers, Smart contracts and other.
Now let's go directly to the Bravo money transfer system.

The idea to create such a platform was born as early as 2013, when Hector Rodriguez and Maria Luna, leaders of the Bravo team in the future, faced the following problem in the cafe: after dinner, they did not have a trifle to tip the waiter, and do not do it from a bank card it was possible for all transactions through the bank were tracked. After that, the idea was born to create a platform for instant monetary transfers, but at the same time anonymous. With the development of Blochechyna, the realization of the idea became feasible.

And so, what is Bravo and why is this site being developed. Bravo is a system of anonymous peer-to-peer payments and transfers to those who are close to you using your own payment system Bravo Pay, built on Blochein. For example, giving a tip, or banal payment for goods on the market.
Let's consider its main functional:
  1. Bravo searches nearby people using GPS, while the system will keep your anonymity, it will only show the numbers of the purses of people nearby.
  2. Reliable payment and transfers to strangers without disclosing them and your identity.
  3. Anonymous chat. There you can assess the quality of service, remind you of the need for payment, and simply communicate with other people.
  4. Absence of commissions for transfers.

As we found out, the main purpose of this system is payment for goods and services and transfers of small amounts to "direct contact" distances. This system is perfect for paying for souvenirs, or for tips or just for transactions that require anonymity.
Summing up, we can say that this payment system will take its place because the main problem in transferring small money is the presence of a large percentage of the commission. After all, it happens that the friend does not have enough little things to travel, but there is not, so this system will come to the rescue.

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