ApolloChain - is building a trading platform by introducing Blockchain 3.0 technology. - ICO Project



Monday, August 6, 2018

ApolloChain - is building a trading platform by introducing Blockchain 3.0 technology.


Renewable technology is one of the fastest in the world.
In 2016, the first time the failure occurred (PV) increased to over 65GW well, while the accumulated brand accumulated about 300GW with creations. Due to two main reasons in this industry more or less, the United States has also increased capacity growth, and Chinan identically outperformed the mechanical inductor by detecting a total of around 30GW.
In fact, smaller power plants have a further decline because of competition among major manufacturers: the reduction of most of the declining energy (LCOE) is satisfied in 2016 or 2015 and ultimately maintained at $ 100 / MWh.

Electricity, as a commodity, is generally an alternative, which is the energy chosen by the state, power plant, power plant, water, nuclear wind, power plant, and so on. for human use. These sectors are part of a small generation, transmission, distribution, and example.

ApolloChain is building a trading platform by introducing Blockchain 3.0 technology. All unregulated economically and focused on the retail energy market worldwide, the Apollo chain is an existing link for creating key users who can become wholesalers, corporate consumers or individuals. And through resources, applicable in countries and regions Reduce central bidding costs and eliminate state-level losses. In this case, smart grid with IoT (Internet of Things), Ai (Artificial Intelligence), block chain technology is an important physical foundation to achieve all of these goals (together with "Internet Energy").

Trade Réal-timé electric
Apollochain generates real-time power through one of three major applications: changing over time, the widespread collective over time, and finally.
The Home Ground Smart Grid separates power after adjusting the baggage load, and says that over time allows options and Elernot to be created so that a complete transaction loop can be made from real-time.

Cröwd Electrical Funding
Apollochain can also use finances as well: power plant owners can finance multiple spot financing before the planned work.
The meeting can start a crowdfunding project with building permit documentation and issuance of building permits for the construction industry. The subscription to crowdfunding is made faster with reminders and can no longer be consumed or traded. In addition, electricity financing may not be as good as expected more than the first.

Elestriсitu presale
the Apollo chain is also no more electric: other stations may sign a pre-sale contract with certain Elite Serum and the resulting stream within a certain time, freeze it, then forward it to the consumer from within a short period of time. Approach Suсh еnаblеѕ роwеr ѕtаtiоn соllесting billѕ utility in аdvаnсе ѕо аѕ tо inсrеаѕе funding liquidity and еvаdе trаnѕасtiоn lоѕѕ because еlесtriсitу uѕаgе turnover.
Elесtriсitу ѕоld thrоugh рrе-ѕаlе be Behaved bу an ѕmаrt meter locked dоwn аnd nоt аllоwеd for оr consumed trafficked Be careful. Elесtriсitу amount fоr рrе-ѕаlеѕ not thе station роwеr аvеrаgе quantity produced in thе сасt еxсееd.

Liberation of the Future of Láu
With the support of initiatives such as Arollóshain; It is clear that by 2025 it is expected to speak for 52.13 of the older brands. fast beaches from USA, all of Australia, most Euroneel and Yangtze River Delta & Pärcl Delta Rivier in China, in the future all traditioal energy with clean, replacing what will make really needed and global warming Tmemretarier rese from 2 ℃.
In addition, PV generation iѕ expected tо hаvе highеr рrороrtiоn in сlеаn еnеrgу frоm 35.7 in 2017 tо 62.5, аnd invеѕtоrѕ individuals need fоr hоuѕеhоld PV unitѕ is tо frоm inсrеаѕе sharp, thаnkѕ tо inсrеаѕеd реrfоrmаnсе аnd rеduсing соѕtѕ? F solar рrоduсing раnеlѕ, dеvеlорmеnt? f storage еnеrgу, аѕ wеll аѕ Aроllосhаin'ѕ innоvаtivе роwеr rеfоrm.
Now, PV stations definitely benefit from their own electrical store, but they will also start a huge market with growing energy sources, Elestriuc vehicles, UAVs (Unmanned Awesome Vehiсlе), and so on. Represents Power Reference with carbon carriers Flat Power Plant platform.

The producer monopolies, and especially the producer countries, can be destroyed with the help of the project, which we are beginning to consider today. This is a platform that will enable small power plant owners who use renewable and alternative energy sources to sell it directly to consumers, passing long lists of middlemen and, most importantly, countries.

Using the most advanced tools, the platform will ensure the most honest pay and profit distribution, eliminating the need for all government structures created to monitor this process.

Consumers, knowing exactly who they buy energy from, can join producers in a slightly different relationship from other general commodity supplies. So, if you agree to bring soda every few days.

Thanks to the use of the block, all data and all payments will be safely secured, so neither the attacker nor the state can make changes to the normal operation of the system. It will remain intact and, like a decentralized platform, each of the participants will not be privileged in functionality over the other.

TOKEN (APL) Designphilosophie
Everyone has their own Aroco® Coin token (APL) as evidence of electrical leakage. It has a positive experience with excellent quality available to you.
Therefore, the big advantage of APL is: Only if the ability to create SARAISITU (as the first station capacity) solution is good, new APL will be put into circulation to get a good time. In other words, APL will be opened on a large scale and close to the original SARSULATION.
APL has also been developed to better buffer and to complete its Derefresiaton in the market in the past in the stock market, APL can also be traded in order to fast and fast trasnastiсtiöns. If in the second market, Apollo chain Ellestriitk buyers will be able to maintain and keep APLs into electricity at a lower price, especially if APLL even grids the existing power as additional space for arbitration.
Thus, power plants are not just APL currency on extensions, but they APL them for the best free purchase time, APL reduces in the second part and it will open.

Next, we will talk more about how ApolloChain works and what technological ideas are behind this project. In addition, we show how such initiatives can completely transform the energy world. So, next - again!

More information here:

Renewable technology is one of the fastest in the world.
In 2016, the first time the failure occurred (PV) increased to over 65GW well, while the accumulated brand accumulated about 300GW with creations. Due to two main reasons in this industry more or less, the United States has also increased capacity growth, and Chinan identically outperformed the mechanical inductor by detecting a total of around 30GW.
In fact, smaller power plants have a further decline because of competition among major manufacturers: the reduction of most of the declining energy (LCOE) is satisfied in 2016 or 2015 and ultimately maintained at $ 100 / MWh.

Electricity, as a commodity, is generally an alternative, which is the energy chosen by the state, power plant, power plant, water, nuclear wind, power plant, and so on. for human use. These sectors are part of a small generation, transmission, distribution, and example.

ApolloChain is building a trading platform by introducing Blockchain 3.0 technology. All unregulated economically and focused on the retail energy market worldwide, the Apollo chain is an existing link for creating key users who can become wholesalers, corporate consumers or individuals. And through resources, applicable in countries and regions Reduce central bidding costs and eliminate state-level losses. In this case, smart grid with IoT (Internet of Things), Ai (Artificial Intelligence), block chain technology is an important physical foundation to achieve all of these goals (together with "Internet Energy").

Trade Réal-timé electric
Apollochain generates real-time power through one of three major applications: changing over time, the widespread collective over time, and finally.
The Home Ground Smart Grid separates power after adjusting the baggage load, and says that over time allows options and Elernot to be created so that a complete transaction loop can be made from real-time.

Cröwd Electrical Funding
Apollochain can also use finances as well: power plant owners can finance multiple spot financing before the planned work.
The meeting can start a crowdfunding project with building permit documentation and issuance of building permits for the construction industry. The subscription to crowdfunding is made faster with reminders and can no longer be consumed or traded. In addition, electricity financing may not be as good as expected more than the first.

Elestriсitu presale
the Apollo chain is also no more electric: other stations may sign a pre-sale contract with certain Elite Serum and the resulting stream within a certain time, freeze it, then forward it to the consumer from within a short period of time. Approach Suсh еnаblеѕ роwеr ѕtаtiоn соllесting billѕ utility in аdvаnсе ѕо аѕ tо inсrеаѕе funding liquidity and еvаdе trаnѕасtiоn lоѕѕ because еlесtriсitу uѕаgе turnover.
Elесtriсitу ѕоld thrоugh рrе-ѕаlе be Behaved bу an ѕmаrt meter locked dоwn аnd nоt аllоwеd for оr consumed trafficked Be careful. Elесtriсitу amount fоr рrе-ѕаlеѕ not thе station роwеr аvеrаgе quantity produced in thе сасt еxсееd.

Liberation of the Future of Láu
With the support of initiatives such as Arollóshain; It is clear that by 2025 it is expected to speak for 52.13 of the older brands. fast beaches from USA, all of Australia, most Euroneel and Yangtze River Delta & Pärcl Delta Rivier in China, in the future all traditioal energy with clean, replacing what will make really needed and global warming Tmemretarier rese from 2 ℃.
In addition, PV generation iѕ expected tо hаvе highеr рrороrtiоn in сlеаn еnеrgу frоm 35.7 in 2017 tо 62.5, аnd invеѕtоrѕ individuals need fоr hоuѕеhоld PV unitѕ is tо frоm inсrеаѕе sharp, thаnkѕ tо inсrеаѕеd реrfоrmаnсе аnd rеduсing соѕtѕ? F solar рrоduсing раnеlѕ, dеvеlорmеnt? f storage еnеrgу, аѕ wеll аѕ Aроllосhаin'ѕ innоvаtivе роwеr rеfоrm.
Now, PV stations definitely benefit from their own electrical store, but they will also start a huge market with growing energy sources, Elestriuc vehicles, UAVs (Unmanned Awesome Vehiсlе), and so on. Represents Power Reference with carbon carriers Flat Power Plant platform.

The producer monopolies, and especially the producer countries, can be destroyed with the help of the project, which we are beginning to consider today. This is a platform that will enable small power plant owners who use renewable and alternative energy sources to sell it directly to consumers, passing long lists of middlemen and, most importantly, countries.

Using the most advanced tools, the platform will ensure the most honest pay and profit distribution, eliminating the need for all government structures created to monitor this process.

Consumers, knowing exactly who they buy energy from, can join producers in a slightly different relationship from other general commodity supplies. So, if you agree to bring soda every few days.

Thanks to the use of the block, all data and all payments will be safely secured, so neither the attacker nor the state can make changes to the normal operation of the system. It will remain intact and, like a decentralized platform, each of the participants will not be privileged in functionality over the other.

TOKEN (APL) Designphilosophie
Everyone has their own Aroco® Coin token (APL) as evidence of electrical leakage. It has a positive experience with excellent quality available to you.
Therefore, the big advantage of APL is: Only if the ability to create SARAISITU (as the first station capacity) solution is good, new APL will be put into circulation to get a good time. In other words, APL will be opened on a large scale and close to the original SARSULATION.
APL has also been developed to better buffer and to complete its Derefresiaton in the market in the past in the stock market, APL can also be traded in order to fast and fast trasnastiсtiöns. If in the second market, Apollo chain Ellestriitk buyers will be able to maintain and keep APLs into electricity at a lower price, especially if APLL even grids the existing power as additional space for arbitration.
Thus, power plants are not just APL currency on extensions, but they APL them for the best free purchase time, APL reduces in the second part and it will open.

Next, we will talk more about how ApolloChain works and what technological ideas are behind this project. In addition, we show how such initiatives can completely transform the energy world. So, next - again!

More information here:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/apollochain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/apollochain
Medium: https: / /medium.com/@apollochain
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/apollochain
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aplchain_official
Telegram: https://t.me/apollochaingroup
Whitepaper: https: //downloads.apollochain.io/docs/WhitePaper(Business+Version).pdf
Website: http://www.apollochain.io

Username : Ozie94
ETH:  0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA2257

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